image text translation
(1)My daughter came to the office today
(2)Around 5 p.m
(3)My daughter, who is a third year middle school student, sent me a message that she came to see me from the first floor because there was a company on the way home
(4)He said he didn’t go home and came to meet me because he was upset about something with his friend
(5)Although our family is harmonious, I was somewhat surprised that we are not really close enough to share our feelings with our daughter
(6)When I said my daughter was here, the staff said they were jealous, and maybe because I felt proud, I went down without checking my clothes
(7)My daughter looked a little surprised when she saw me in a shabby, oily work suit
(8)I was wearing a suit to work, but I saw a dirty father with a hat, so I was teary-eyed
(1)I cut my finger while I was measuring and cutting it, so I wore a bandimage text translation
(2)He held my hand tightly and got mad at me for getting hurt
(3)I knew how you felt, so I just hugged you and pat you on the back
(4)After that, I asked what brought me here, and he said no, but he asked me what time I was coming home, so I said I would go early today and left work at 7 o’clock
(5)When I went home, I thought I told my wife that the table was broken
(6)It felt like a life rolling like a cogwheel, and I was falling into mannerism was coming
(7)I can feel the feeling I felt when I hugged my daughter who was born for the first time with this little event
(8)I’m 44 years old, but I’m in trouble because I cry a lot
(9)I’ll wear my old work clothes again tomorrow, but I feel different
(10)feel as if
Yeah, this was the family