Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)How to taste it
(2)The location of the store is the same as before

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)It was a weekday when I visited
(2)But the customers at the store
(3)Teams 1 and 2 need to be there

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)at lunchtime
(2)Surprisingly, there was only one team
(3)And until the day is over

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)No other guests came in
(2)Mash Potato Mashed Potato Grilled Vegetable Grilled Vegetable
(3)The main menu, the brisket, was still there
(4)Wagyu Brisket Plate One Person
(5)1000 Pork for DFork
(6)I looked around the store

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)The traces of Don Spike all over the store
(2)I couldn’t find it anywhere
(3)The big picture on the wall
(4)1 person 1 plate basic
(5)It’s a spell!
(6)Salad soup for plate orders
(7)The soup is unlimited refills
(8)The picture of my face on the counter

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)Lastly, Don Spike’s YouTube channel Silver Button
(2)with nothing attached to it
(3)There was only an empty wall left

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)It’s popular because it’s full of customers
(2)It was a very noisy restaurant
(3)There are only empty tables around

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)Sit alone
(2)I felt a bit awkward waiting for the meal
(3)The brisket composition is different from before
(4)There wasn’t much difference

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)Lastly, until lunch time is over

Don Spike Shop, which had 4.4 billion won in annual sales, has been up to date

image text translation

(1)There were no visitors on this day
(2)② a daily newspaper
(3)Before breaking news, she cheated on her girlfriend
(4)Don Spike sentenced to two years in prison
(5)Input 20230914 AM 1052 Article Original


1 No more reservations required

From morning until lunch time is over

Not a single customer

Three. It’s ruined

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