The celebrity YouTuber’s statement was released.jpg

The celebrity YouTuber's statement was released.jpg

image text translation

(1)Modified 4 hours ago
(2)Look at Starship
(3)I heard you mentioned me Of course, there are fans who report to Starship to sue me, but fans are sensitive to such issues
(4)The people who keep putting pressure on the agency are girl group Antis The videos I made were made with the intention of girl group noise marketing, and I have no intention of swearing or insulting girl group members
(5)It deals with negative issues, but in the end, she always sided with the girl group in the video Do you think this is intended to insult and curse girl groups
(6)I’m so upset that you were deceived by girl group anti-fans putting pressure on me and mistook me as a claim and mentioned me in Starship as a rekka similar to the post-deuk camp
(7)Anyway, if I’m in court, I’m ready to defend myself, because as I said before, the purpose of the videos I’ve made is very different from what girl group Antis claim
(8)Also, I have nothing to say but that I feel so frustrated when I ignored the comments that girl group anti-girls pretended to be fans and instigated me to curse and sue them every day
(9)How can I be the one who worked hard to make videos for Ive and Jang Won Young
(10)And once again, the people who pressure the agency to file a complaint are girl group anti-fans who pretend to be fans The person who makes the video for her girl group without knowing this is Lekka, who is like a de-duk camp
(11)a brief view

I deleted Nick because I might get savory^^

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