image text translation
(1)Japan’s Tsushima City Council passed the nuclear waste plant promotion plan, and only the market decision remains
(2)Input 20230914 AM 1059 AM Amendment 20230914 AM 1117
(3)Reporter Cho Yong-ho
(4)One price
(5)September 12 Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
(6)Japan’s Tsushima City Council has proposed the installation of a nuclear waste plant
(7)Yes, 10 and 8 passed
image text translation
image text translation
(1)Japan’s Tsushima Island is about 50km from Busan
(2)a man-made man-made man-of-pearl
(3)12 hours and 13 minutes
(4)Oh, erase it
(5)Busan branch, Jeju Island
Construction of a nuclear waste site on a remote island where transportation is extremely difficult means the disposal of huge amounts of high-level nuclear waste
The meaning is that it is used as a nuclear waste disposal site in Fukushima
If you’re a person with common sense
The best place to dispose of nuclear waste is Fukushima, which is permanently uninhabitable
The conclusion is that all Korean people should die or do the same thing
A person who monitors whether the yakuza in charge of transportation sweeps into the sea with a barrel of radioactive drums on a barge will also close for about 1 million yen