Reaction when Korea, China, and Japan are racist at the same time

Reaction when Korea, China, and Japan are racist at the same time

image text translation

(1)In the humor war hole, Korea, China, and Japan were really unique 15
(2)Recommended Absorber Adventurer
(3)Activity history writing
(4)Attendance days 2971 LV59
(5)Recommendation 10 inquiry 168 reflection 16617
(6)Date and time 20210321163636
(7)IP22094 Korea University for 7 years
(8)Was a farmer in Tasmania in Warhol, Australia
(9)At that time, I was the monitor, and some of the cars were either buying the drinks that they were paying for, or I just got a free car and went shopping
(10)I couldn’t help it because I couldn’t live without a car
(11)It wasn’t within walking distance of the farmhouse to Willsmart
(12)Koreans became close to each other because they were in the same Marine Corps. They were from Baengnyeong Island
(13)At this time, I heard the sad news that the unit I came out of was disintegrated into the air due to continuous assault
(14)It was a famous unit from the beginning
(15)In Japan, Japanese people were arrogant, saying that they spat and chewed gum, but we were just close
(16)The Chinese will just make money here and go to mainland Australia, like Sydney or an island with things, and then go back to China! I used to play games, but my English wasn’t good, so we just talked about hey hammy hard work
(17)I drove these three to the mart
(18)But the guy sitting next to the mart said, “Asian pups begging for money from us, and he spat at us, so I told him to screw him up, Macyan, and I went forward, stretched out my chin, and I asked him how his parents were, and then he was in the middle of me Be planning to. Here’s my plan. I’ll bury you somewhere along the coastSince I did it

Reaction when Korea, China, and Japan are racist at the same time

image text translation

(1)The reactions of the three of us were very different, but that’s why we wrote this
(2)Korean friends are Emi-hyeol. I’m sure that’s enough Lol, I just said let’s go and stopped him, and when I took off my glasses, the Japanese went into the mart and he didn’t come out
(3)My Chinese friend ran into the mart and I thought he went to ask for help, and he bought a Shiba string and held it out to me and said, “You use this!” LOL
(4)In the end, another white brother patted me on the shoulder a few times, hugged me, and told the white man that he was ashamed of himself, and he disappeared like running away
(5)Afterwards, when it’s over, the staff tells all the marshmallows
(6)Don’t worry too much and get a free bottle of coke lol
(7)The Chinese said, “I’m going to refund this, so please help me.”
(8)When we were shopping, the Japanese tried to get in the car with a casual face, but I looked at him and he looked elsewhere
(9)I felt the uniqueness of the people of the three countries while watching that


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