the misunderstanding of the late Joseon Dynasty

the misunderstanding of the late Joseon Dynasty

image text translation

(1)Joseon was shut down because of the news from abroadThe x-ron has become stronger
(2)with important news
(3)In fact, when the situation during the fall of Beijing in the Second Opium War was delivered to Joseon without filters
(4)There is a record that the entire nation was freaked out from Hansung and reached its peak during the Byeongin Yangyo period, and there was a movement to evacuate due to fear in the whole country
(5)Institators like Lee Pil-je, who took advantage of this anti-foreign public opinion, began to raise their heads
(6)In fact, John Hwang, who was dissatisfied with Japan’s opening up of foreign powers, argued against foreign powers and even fought a war And when I realized that there’s no answer to simply ostracizing a foreign power after I’ve been hit in earnest
(7)In a way, this was a given


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