image text translation
(1)Half time HALF-TIME
(2)Before we start, I want to say this. Evra and Jisung looked like twins
(1)Half time HALLimage text translation
(2)He was like a sworn brother
(1)Half time HALLimage text translation
(2)I don’t know how that was possible
(1)Half-time HALF-TIME Source Rio Ferdinand Presenieimage text translation
(2)If there’s Tevez, it’s Ebraga Tevez
(3)I let him in, so we played together as three brothers
(1)Half time HALLimage text translation
(2)The most crazy culture and personality
(3)It was a fusion of everything
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)Everyone looked at those three and thought, “How can they be together?”
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)Tevez speaks only their own language and Evra speaks 10 languages, and Park Ji-sung spoke only their own language
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)I don’t know if Evra translated or not, but I still don’t understand how she could do that
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)I remember Ferdinand Boss Ferguson called each of our three brothers good, bad, ugly
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)I’m not going to ask
(3)I won’t tell you who was the ugly one
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)I don’t want to know who was the ugly one
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)No, it’s not an attitude of respect
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(2)Anyways, JISUNG was a good guy
(1)Half time HALF-TIMEimage text translation
(3)Who was the ugly and the bad guy
(4)I won’t do it. Anyway, let’s go back to JISUNG
– South America, Africa, and Asia
– white, black, yellow, and other languages
– In Spanish, Korean, and French, Tevez and Park Ji-sung were not good at English
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