image text translation
(1)You’re making Beef Wellington
(2)Meat is nice
(3)Nick Digiovanni ↑ The Youngest Finalist of Master Chef
(4)Oh, it was Nick
(5)Good. Meat seasoning is good
(6)Good. You’re doing great
(7)That’s right. You have to roll it well
(8)Okay, 35 minutes in the oven
(9)As long as you grill it
(10)Suddenly, I took it out of the oven
(11)That’s no no
(12)What is it
(13)Well, go
(14)Oh, my. S and B
(15)I said I’d make S.B. Wellington
(16)He made a croquet and sat down
(17)I’m serious
(18)I’m calling you now
(19)Thumbs up 2
(20)Thumbs up 1
(21)Your Master Chef Crown
(22)I’m going to steal it
(23)Oh, what’s this? Kim
(24)He’s not picking up
(25)Pick up the phone!!!
Lol. Lol