Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

image text translation

(1)Additional choreographers and chopsticks
(2)It’s self-service
(3)1 IP
(4)Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

image text translation

(1)The reason why I work at a tteokbokki place
(2)be on a high hourly wage

Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

image text translation

(1)The reason why I work at a tteokbokki place
(2)have a high hourly wage

Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

image text translation

(1)The reason why I work at a tteokbokki place
(2)have a high hourly wage
(3)The owner

Why do you work at a tteokbokki shop

image text translation

(1)The reason why I work at a tteokbokki place
(2)have a high hourly wage
(3)2 spoonfuls of rice cake
(4)She’s my father’s mother


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