A photo of a U.S. Marine Corps photographer buried deep inside

A photo of a U.S. Marine Corps photographer buried deep inside

image text translation

(1)The amount of damage caused by Nagasaki atomic bomb is
(2)Of all the data on the atomic bomb
(3)a heart-wrenching scene
(4)출처 National Archives
(5)The horrors of war and atomic bombing
(6)A picture to show you
(7)A boy in front of a coffee shop crematorium
(8)a boy standing by a crematorium
(9)a U.S. Marine photographer
(10)A boy next to the toilet in a coffee shop
(11)Records of the scene of the damage immediately after the atomic bomb was dropped
(12)The boy standing next to the toilet in the coffee shop
(13)About photography
(14)Written by Joe O’Donnell himself
(15)The boy standing in front of the toilet at the coffee shop
(16)A 10-year-old kid
(17)I saw him wandering around
(18)He had a baby on his back
(19)I don’t know if that baby
(20)I knew he was dead
(21)People raised the hands and feet of a dead baby and put it on the fire
(22)The child doesn’t move on the spot
(23)I was standing upright staring at the flame
(24)He’s biting his lower lip too hard
(25)The blood is shining
(26)The flame soon died down as the sun went down
(27)He turns around and
(28)I walked quietly far away
(29)The boy standing next to the toilet in the coffee shop
(30)The baby on his back
(31)I’m younger than him
(32)with one’s dead brother on one’s back
(33)a boy who visited a crematorium
(34)The boy standing in front of the toilet at the coffee shop
(35)a U.S. Marine photographer
(36)I don’t have it. I can’t watch it again
(37)a buried photograph
(38)The boy standing next to the toilet at the coffee shop
(39)Year 1989
(40)As soon as the photos are released to the world
(41)Joe O’Donnell
(43)in order to announce the horrors
(44)a boy standing in front of a crematorium
(46)We held photo exhibitions in the U.S. and Japan
(47)Photo collection publication
(48)Through photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(49)Anti-Messi Nuclear Paper Delivery
(50)a national defense officially
(51)The boy in the picture
(52)Those who found it
(53)a boy who never found it


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