the bloodiest store in Daejeon

the bloodiest store in Daejeon

image text translation

(1)If you’re a person
(2)I’d like to go to the funeral of the late teacher
(3)Apologize desperately
(4)I apologize for the rest of my life
(5)I hope you live with your heart
(6)with warmth
(7)a wrapped bowl
(8)You killed our teacher and you’re the eldest one
(9)During the two-year class of course
(10)You never threw up
(11)Child abuse lol I guess I’m
(12)If you apologize to the bereaved family
(13)a disproved K
(14)Mr. Kim’s business hours
(15)Fried shrimp dim sum
(16)Curry udon
(17)An acrostic poem that melts us right now
(18)It’s really scary here
(19)Last night, he was a killer, and he was glazed and glazed
(20)Eggs and wheat are sprinkled with ketchup on the floor
(21)I heard the police are on patrol today, but the business is
(22)I think I have to watch everything I can’t do

Yeah, you should’ve done it in moderately

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