Rare shops these days.jpg

Rare shops these days.jpg

image text translation

(1)To Dongguk University students
(2)Two or three people will come and order salmon medium or half and half medium
(3)When you’re done eating, ask for more
(4)I’ll give you more
(5)I’ve never been that tough
(6)The number of people is starting to increase soon
(7)A table that starts with two or three people lays eggs and hatches
(8)And then hit the baby and it’s up to five or six people
(9)And he brings another empty plate
(10)They want some more
(11)Of course, I’ll give you more
(12)He’s asking for more, but he’s trying to read my mind
(13)I don’t want to waste that moment of youth
(14)Every day in a corner shop where all the people who study at a great school and work at a great company and do great things are falling down
(15)I’m only living in a rural area, so I’m only doing this with a few salmon
(16)I’m just a student, so I don’t have money, so just come and ask for moreIf you’re curious, just ask for it now
(17)If you don’t have money, you can just eat and go
(18)I hope you become a CEO of a big company and bring an employee to have a company dinner
(19)It’s okay if you see it
(20)Even now, you’re crossing the street at the crosswalk at Chungmuro Station
(21)fifth and sixth guests
(22)And the students
(23)Let’s love our youth

There are people who haven’t been, but there’s no one who’s only been once

Rare shops these days.jpg
image text translation

(1)Gao Dominating the Body 2023-98-4872 162
(2)Best 1
(3)If you don’t have money, you shouldn’t eat salmon. That mindset
(4)Don’t be the president of a large company 3 Move
(5)Santa Claus 2023-08-29 131862170
(6)A wonderful adult is a person who can make you an adult who can do the same to others with words of blessing and virtue rather than discouraging young people by showing off and complaining
(8)Howl’s Moving Identity 08-29 20489970
(9)That’s amazing. Salmon is different from other fish, so it’s actually a fixed price, and it’s usually about 25,000 won for its height It’s hard to get cheap food because it’s a restaurant owner, and it’s hard to get cheap food because it’s all Norwegian, so it’s hard to get a service because it’s almost the same price every day, but there’s no unlimited tuna refill, but there’s no unlimited salmon refill. 4 move

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