image text translation
(1)My grandfather, my father, in 1890
(1)I’m from Russia from Koreaimage text translation
(1)There was a lot of landimage text translation
(1)Then in 1917, Vladimir Ulrich, Ilyanov, Lenin, and Shekie cameimage text translation
(1)Shakey isimage text translation
(1)a heavy wordimage text translation
(1)I took the land and sent my grandfather and fatherimage text translation
(1)My father sent me to prisonimage text translation
(1)In 1937, my grandmother’s four daughters were in my father’s wombimage text translation
(1)I sent it to Kazakhstanimage text translation
(1)When my father was in my grandmother’s womb, I sent him to Kazakhstanimage text translation
(1)Oh, my Godimage text translation
While talking about the past, my great-grandfather was angry that he was deprived of all the land he had pioneered by Bolsheviks and imprisoned, and later forced to move to Kazakhstan
The killing point is the scene where you make a wrap silently