image text translation
(1)from the Joseon Dynasty
(2)a long-standing curse
(3)A word derived from epilepsy, which means epilepsy, and disparaging the act of making a fuss without discernment as if it were stuck as a man->jil->->jiral
(4)M is so sick
(5)In the past, typhoid was a scary disease with a high fatality rate, so if you think of it as a sick man
(6)Mun means he’s going to get caught and die
(7)Orazily, orazily
(8)Ora means a rope that bound criminals in the past, and the modification of the quality is Jida
(9)It means to be tied up, orazil is worthy of being tied to a rope for the crime
(10)He’s 60 years old. He’s 60 years old
(11)It is an abbreviation of Six Gap Hanae, where Six Gap refers to Six Heart Gapja, which used to count the days of the past, and it means mocking that the Byeongshin seems to be counting the days for absurd or thematic behavior
(12)Yushiral Yukshiral
(13)Yuxi is a word that has less to say, and Yuxi is a person who has been found guilty in his life
(14)That means it’s bad enough to kill twice as a punishment for decapitating the body
You little girl
Take the Oral
Do I write it’s okay