image text translation
(1)You don’t need a transportation card to board
(2)the world’s first subway
(3)Input 20230906 AM 1106 ·
(4)Correction 20230906 341 PM Article Original
(5)Reporter Ahn Joon-hyun
(6)I went to the first day of introduction of Tagless
(7)Seoul Metropolitan Government, T-money Tagley on the Ui New Line from the 6th
image text translation
(1)When you pass through the subway ticket gate called Tagless, a transportation carimage text translation
(2)An antenna device installed on the ticket gate reads the Bluetooth signal from the passenger’s cell phone and automatically pays for it
How to do it. Install the mobile T-money app and turn on Bluetooth
If you just pass by, you can pay on your own
Unable to use iPhone