image text translation
(1)Bla bla bla new company for 6 hours
(2)Yangyang is promiscuous
(3)Am I the only one who played soundly
(4)I’m asking for your number, but there’s no one to play with
(5)Am I the only one who fell asleep at 1am
(6)I was so tired
(7)It was promiscuous while I was sleeping
(8)I’m the only one who hasn’t even held a man’s hand
(9)Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd
(10)I guess you have an ethical look
(11)7 hours. Good. 61
(12)Good. 6
(13)Korea Gas Technology Corporation
(14)Lol. Ethical appearanceLolYou should remember
(15)That’s an attractive word choice
(16)5 hours. Good. 6
(17)Samil Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
(18)ethical appearance Lol. Lol
(19)5 hours. – Good
(20)ethical appearanceLol
(21)3 hours is good
(22)Appearance is the best contraception
(23)New Company >
(24)I’m a human condom
(25)Good. 37
(26)Lol. LolDon’t do that too much
(27)6 hours is good
(28)SK Hynix, Inc
(29)Hyong, you’re so mean Lol. Lol
(30)5 hours is good
ethical appearance Lol