(1)Mr. Kim, who joined the Army’s boot camp in February 2022image text translation
(1)I was going to sign up for a reserve fund tomorrowimage text translation
(1)I got the answer that I can’t because of COVID-19image text translation
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)You just have to move to yourself. You just have to go to yourself and tell me to do it
(1)Eventually, Kim completed the boot camp and received his own deploymentimage text translation
(1)I was able to sign up for the reserve fund tomorrowimage text translation
(1)It’s two months short of 18 monthsimage text translation
(1)Reserve installment savings for tomorrow ○ Monthly maximumimage text translation
(2)a government subsidy
(3)the principal and interest of 400,000 won
Tomorrow’s preliminary installment savings can be put up to 400,000 won a month in two banks, and if you sign up for more than six months, the government will provide support
image text translation
(1)2,000 won
(2)School money X lost money X
(3)About 12 million won for 18 months of service
(4)When you pay 400,000 won per month
(5)Subscription rate as of the end of 972022
It is popular with soldiers as the subscription rate exceeded 97 as of the end of last year as it can raise more than 10 million won at the expiration of 18 months
image text translation
(2)I said I’d make sure there’s no disadvantage after my deployment
(1)The only answer that came back to Mr. Kim was that there was no solutionimage text translation
(1)I was told to report it myselfimage text translation
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)There’s no solution
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)I said I’d report it to the national newspaper and so on
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)Even if I say it like this, it’s just like that
(1)Soldiers delayed signing up for reserve savings tomorrowimage text translation
(2)As of 2022
(3)2,174 people, 1199 people, 1199 people, 1,199 people, 2027 people
(4)more than 400 people
(5)Republic of Korea Army, Republic of Korea Navy, Republic of Korea Air Force
(6)Sung Il-jong’s Office, National Assembly National Defense Committee
In fact, according to MBC’s report, 5,400 soldiers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force who failed to sign up for installment savings on time due to COVID-19 during the first half of last year were confirmed by the military alone
image text translation
(1)Army headquarters said membership was delayed only in certain units
(1)Mr. Kim’s words are differentlyimage text translation
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)It’s happening frequently in the division’s boot camp around the other side
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)Other people around you say that, too
(1)More than 96,000 new recruits joined the Army in the first half of last yearimage text translation
(1)The number of victims could actually be much higherimage text translation
(1)Domestic card onlyimage text translation
(2)If the subscription is delayed, the damage will be about 150,000 won per month
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)150,000 won is
(1)Mr. Kim discharged from the armyimage text translation
(2)It’s an amount that you can just ignore
(1)115 MBC departmentimage text translation
(2)KTX Sancheonbu
(3)Mr. Kim discharged from the army
(4)For a year and a half
(1)KTX Sancheon 188image text translation
(2)Mr. Kim discharged from the army
(3)But I think I did my best for my country
(1)Fight Tonight! Maintain complete military readinessimage text translation
(2)When MBC began coverage, the Ministry of National Defense belatedly came up with measures
(1)The Ministry of National Defense only subscribes to installment savings after deploying its own unitimage text translation
(1)To provide government fundingimage text translation
(1)Fight Tonight! Maintain complete military readinessimage text translation
(2)He said he would push for a revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Military Service Act
(1)I’m Lee Dukyoung from MBC Newsimage text translation