There are quite a few back bone breakers in their 30s

There are quite a few back bone breakers in their 30s

image text translation

(1)To my parents
(2)pocket money
(3)be unemployed in one’s thirties
(4)at this age
(5)Getting pocket money is a good idea
(6)Where is the money going to come out
(7)Since I don’t have it, I can get it
(8)have nothing but
(9)When I go outside
(10)Because I need to spend money
(11)This is all I can do
(12)It wasn’t there…
(13)Like a game
(14)He’s doing it
(15)To save money
(16)I don’t pay much
(17)I got pocket money from my parents
(18)I play games all day
(19)I don’t spend much money
(20)Sometimes, I play games
(21)To smoke at dawn
(22)When I see people
(23)I feel like I’m
(24)I was trying to avoid reality
(25)Back to the game
(26)Getting immersed
(27)a vicious circle
(28)If you see someone on their way to work and feel like they’re avoiding reality
(30)Sometimes, my parents
(31)They’re looking at him
(32)He’s sleeping
(33)Open the door
(34)a quick dose
(35)When you have to make it sound like you’re sleeping
(36)a breathless smile
(37)It’s so amazing
(38)It’s miserable…
(39)Old parents make money, feed their son in his 30s, and kill him
(40)When parents go to work, they have to pretend to be sleeping and breathe
(41)If you all go to work
(42)Then, I came out of my room and ate
(43)play a game
(44)Lying on the bed
(45)I’ll look at my phone and sleep when I’m sleepy
(46)Crab > Phone > Sleep > Rice
(47)outside the door
(48)It’s my parents’ knees after work knees
(50)Put some on
(51)a cow suffering from Lee
(52)If you can hear it faintly
(53)It’s like YouTube
(54)If I make a sound, I’ll put on earphones and in reality, too. It hurts because Pimo leaves work
(55)at the age of four
(56)a human residence
(58)Some kind of money
(59)I’m giving you a lot, but get off work 1
(60)I don’t have it’s
(61)200 bags
(62)I don’t want to live.
(63)I’m looking for a job search site, but I don’t have a specifications for 200 of them
(64)Home security
(65)unemployed like me
(66)If you look at the comments
(67)My situation and
(68)I’ll compare the rankings
(69)I’ve watched so many job search sites and lamenting about my community life that I think I’m better off being a beagle and beagle, so don’t worry
(70)Ranking high school
(71)Personally, the balls whose lives have been ruined
(73)I love winning movies
(74)But on the black screen, the credit
(75)If you see my face
(76)The reality hits me
(77)In the movie, the main character in the gutter life projects himself into the successful main character and chooses what he feels when the movie is over
(79)a hint
(80)At times like this
(81)It’s a bird, a centimeter. It’s a wall
(82)Is it alive
(83)Or you’ll get wet from drinking
(85)I’m going to regret my life. I’m going to be sad
(86)the quality of being salty
(87)in the morning
(88)I need to find out
(89)If it’s tomorrow
(90)But do your best
(91)I can’t sleep
(92)Shall we play a game
(93)Just one round
(94)○○~ It didn’t change


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