Choo Kyung-ho Leads South Korea to Bankruptcy

Choo Kyung-ho Leads South Korea to Bankruptcy

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(1)I’m going to do a foreign exchange stabilization fund!
(2)Because it can be used without parliamentary approval!
(3)The reason why the funds are so generous!! It’s because it’s a preparation!!
(4)The state can be caused by the complete opening of the capital market!
(5)Declares to use up funds for fatal domestic situations!
(6)That’s 30 trillion won!
(7)It’s the second IMF, and it’s going to kill the whole country
(8)Runduchang and Lone Star workers and Chu Chu-ho’s babies!!
(9)I’m going to cut the budget by putting the name of the baby on the runduchang dog!
(10)National wealth is planned and sold on a yearly basis!
(11)I’ll give you all my technology!
(12)Future technology is a tribute to the U.S. and Japan before cutting the budget!
(13)Impeachment within this year!!!
(14)Before we see the hell that we can’t live in!
(15)Unprecedented tax revenue shortfall without supplementary budget
(16)Fill it with a small chisel
(17)Enter Lee Youngjoon 202393 1529
(18)▼ 8th Street
(19)Ministry of Economy and Finance’s review of the general accounting investment of the Foreign
(20)Funding Reservoir Raised through Confucius Fund
(21)If you add unused budget and surplus, you’ll get more ammunition

Choo Kyung-ho Leads South Korea to Bankruptcy

image text translation

(1)All-time tax revenues due to slowing economy and sluggish asset markets
(2)The government, which is struggling with the family, will use the funds to make up for the shortfall, and the foreign exchange stabilization fund will be mentioned as a source of funds Adding unused budget and global surplus to the external evaluation fund is expected to raise a total of 36 trillion won. National tax revenue from January to July this year was 43.4 trillion won less than the same period last year
(3)The government plans to withdraw up to 20 trillion won from the foreign equity fund, transfer it to the Confucius Fund, and then inject it into the government’s general account The Confucius Fund is a general account that borrows surplus funds from other public funds and lends them to places where they are short of funds. It aims to respond to tax punks without issuing treasury bonds by handing over funds in the order of external evaluation fund → donor fund → general account Up to 30 trillion won, or 20 of the 153.4 trillion won spent by the government’s internal Confucius fund this year, can be injected into general accounts at the discretion of the government without a resolution by the National Assembly

Choo Kyung-ho Leads South Korea to Bankruptcy

image text translation

(1)foreign exchange stabilization fund
(2)Last Modified Time 2023-07-05 171532
(3)v1 Overview
(4)Foreign Exchange Transactions Act
(5)Article 13 Foreign Exchange Equilibrium Fund (1) The Foreign Exchange Equilibrium Fund shall be established as a fund under Article 5 of the National Finance Act to facilitate foreign exchange transactions
(6)A fund raised by the central government to protect the value of its currency. Since the capital market was fully opened, speculative foreign currency inflows and outflows have been repeated, resulting in unstable exchange rate fluctuations A sudden rise or fall in the exchange rate can be fatal to the domestic economy, especially if the exchange rate falls sharply, and a sharp rise in the exchange rate will cause prices of imported goods, including raw materials, to rise


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