Grade 9 princess

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)Grade 9 princess
(2)Kingdom of France in 1XXX
(3)a handful of kings here
(4)Soon, a handful
(5)Does it mean that it’s possible
(6)He had Han Seom, a prince, and Han Young, a princess
(7)A person’s name is
(8)How did you do A
(9)As the time approached to pass on the throne in his old age
(10)I have a concern
(11)Like any royal palace, you have to be crowned with your children
(12)Maybe it’s a fight
(13)Fortunately, it wasn’t
(14)The princess was intelligent
(15)All day long in the corner of the king
(16)I only study books
(17)In the first place, the throne
(18)I wasn’t very interested
(19)In this situation, without any problems
(20)The eldest son, Hanseom, who only needs to wear a crown
(21)And he’s got a crown with his crown
(22)I can’t wait to see him wearing it, so I’m going to give him a gold medal
(23)I thought so, but the prince had one big problem
(24)My son
(25)Do you know what it is
(26)May I ask
(27)Father, this is germanium
(28)I’m telling you to sell it
(29)Even if you have a car
(30)a great help to one’s health
(31)It’s working
(32)That’s why I suspect intelligence
(33)How much money did you give me
(34)I don’t have much to say
(37)I thought you wouldn’t be upset, so I bought my brother and father’s too
(39)A prince you can’t trust or a bee princess until I was thinking about studying Hickey
(40)To live up to one’s name
(41)My sons and daughters are half-and-half. I don’t think there’s a woman
(42)It’s mixed
(43)Pixiv Manga
(44)It’s like the introduction
(45)Behead him, too
(46)The place where the crown eventually went over

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)These days, the eastern part of the country
(2)The crops aren’t good
(3)I’ll prepare some grains in advance
(4)And the exchange rate
(5)I need to take care of myself
(6)the issuance of foreign exchange bonds
(7)Excuse me, old man
(8)Notification… No, the king
(9)It’s so sincere
(10)Even so
(11)I don’t think so
(12)The decisions you make aren’t insincere, so it’s hard to say
(13)You’re lucky you’re not sitting there
(14)It’s good to read your books, Your Majesty
(15)Please read it after you’re done. More than a hundred times
(16)I’ve told you more than that
(17)in lieu of one’s closest aide
(18)Seong Chun Sik 21 years old
(19)My dad ordered it
(20)I’m sitting instead of you
(21)What do you want so much
(22)And people keep asking me if I run a salt farm
(23)I told him to change his name because he was suspicious
(24)You don’t listen to me
(25)We’re done with all the important issues anyway
(26)You can’t be comfortable
(27)Something to take care of
(28)What’s left
(29)All right. All right. All right
(30)It’s over. Dumo
(31)How many of those merchant ships
(32)I’m in
(33)It’s called a merchant ship
(34)the throne that King Seon had effectively been handed over to him by half force
(35)If you’re playing a boring king, king
(36)Every few months, merchants come in from all over the world
(37)He gave me all kinds of amazing things
(38)It was the only pleasure of the king to look into it
(39)Tell him to listen!
(40)But since you don’t pay me more, there’s a book that I bought
(41)a piece of cake
(42)Loyalty to your majesty, to this country
(43)All the things I’ve been looking for around
(44)Yes, of course
(45)Wow! Like last time, it’s Jong, but he picked up the same thing
(46)You’ve been trying to be decapitated
(47)Identifying customer needs is a copy
(48)the spirit of a businessman
(49)Your majesty, will you take a look at this too
(50)I bought something else besides books
(51)It’s an astronomical telescope
(52)What’s up with the rocks
(53)Your Majesty, it’s not just a rockWell-being Hills to Release
(54)It’s anion tone
(55)What do you mean

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)It relieves tension and refreshes your hair
(2)Cleans blood, improves blood flow, boosts immunity
(3)The effect of anions is through the mouth
(4)It’s hard to say everything
(5)Even if the negative ions are exposed to the atmosphere, how long will it last
(6)And if you keep getting negative ions out of the rock, it’s radioactive
(7)How do you know that in this day and age
(8)Do you think I’m a moron
(9)A germanium bracelet
(10)I wondered who sold it and it was you
(11)You should be satisfied
(12)Because I keep getting greedy
(13)I was caught by the tail
(14)Oh, never mind
(15)Is it germanium or something
(16)I didn’t sell it!!
(17)You’re lying again
(18)Choonsik, here
(19)Bring me a herbal remedy
(20)Your Majesty, isn’t that a gun
(21)It’s an oriental medicine treatment device
(22)Anyone in one shot
(23)When I open my mouth
(24)Sometimes, due to medical accidents
(25)I can’t hear a word
(26)Right, I sold it
(27)I hope the king has changedRaejip is inside
(28)The same intelligence is decreasing
(29)It’s a herbal remedy
(30)I knew you’d do it
(31)I cheated
(32)You have to spit out the money
(33)Give me some time for the money
(34)There’s nothing to be able to make money because all the books are in the store
(35)I’m sorry, but that’s difficult
(36)He’s running away
(37)If you throw it away, that’s all
(38)at the top of the line of interest
(39)packed with hidden grains
(40)I found it
(41)He just left a book on the merchant ship
(42)I didn’t have it
(43)a full-fledged person
(44)400 is
(45)I think it’s over there
(46)The guy who went out to buy a book is just as good as me to sell it to the back
(47)Rice is here
(48)That’s nice. You can lie naturally in front of me
(49)It’s coming out
(50)selling grain without permission
(51)Because he hit me
(52)I have to behead this right away
(53)That’s gonna make it look like it never happened to me
(54)Should I put it in the storage
(55)No, the crops in the east are bad, so send them to Japan to keep them and distribute them whenever things are bad

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)Oh, I’m tired
(2)Tell the rest of the pair to come in
(3)Your Majesty, the last merchant is
(4)I’m a merchant from the West
(5)to this faraway country
(6)What are you selling
(7)They’re here to see the land to put up the flag
(8)Is his last name Reeves
(9)Oh, queen Han Yeo Young
(10)Oh, sorry
(11)Hanyoung doesn’t pronounce it properly
(12)WEVE’s Got Some New
(13)Half a horse if you’re here
(14)Just pretend you’re trying
(15)Brand New, we brought a good one
(16)There’s no standard for “Your America”
(17)When measuring the length and width of the weight
(18)You’re talking like a fool
(19)So that’s
(20)This fact is
(21)I can’t refute it
(22)It’s true
(23)Merchants pay the same amount, but the amount is different every time
(24)It hurt a lot
(25)Is there a precise measuring device
(26)If you’re sure of the product, you’re not willing to buy it
(27)No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
(28)Because the unit system is not unified
(29)”Queen Hanna Ung Deez”
(30)It’s the yard pound method
(32)So Pyodok Like Real One Girl
(33)I bought it
(34)a book full of thoughts
(35)Where do you see the shitty sheep-nosed bastard
(37)Woo Wang Li Kuk, I’m sorry
(38)I can’t do this. Chonsik, go and take them all
(40)Buck shot would be good
(41)I’m a king, and that’s no use to me
(42)There is
(43)without a bow
(44)It’s the extreme type that uses yards and pounds
(45)He’s here
(46)Your Majesty, you’re so brilliant
(47)You have a good eye
(48)Oh, my
(49)the Holy Army

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)There’s nothing left
(2)If you don’t have any, let’s stop here
(3)I’m gonna go and read the book that came in today
(4)Your Majesty, have a good night
(5)Yeah, yeah.
(6)Good job
(7)What? He’s not a watchman. He’s a guard captain
(8)Do you have anything to say
(9)Yes, Your Majesty, it’s a very serious problem
(10)What the hell is that
(11)I’ve been told by my maids lately that your things keep disappearing
(12)Especially the underwear
(13)Hahaha. When ladies and gentlemen work, there’s about one or two
(14)I might lose it
(15)Why are you making such a fuss over that
(16)If that happens
(17)Please be quiet separately
(18)Tell me!
(19)I’m glad to hear that
(20)The problem is that the man who walks around near the dressing room of our great lord Daewon
(21)I saw a suspicious man
(22)I hear he’s so nimble for his size
(23)They say he disappeared before the guards could chase him
(24)Okay, okay. Let’s take our time to figure it out
(25)It was just a few clothes
(26)That’s it for today
(27)Please stop
(28)stop blooming
(29)You can’t!!
(30)His Majesty’s clothes! Especially, stealing the spurs
(31)Your Majesty’s living space is completely exposed to danger
(32)Make sure to root out your roots right here!
(33)The singular number case was the one where the lieutenant who stole the deep end of His Majesty’s closet to Hibbans
(34)With a red hoodie
(35)He’s so slow-witted
(36)Little Jin
(37)at any moment
(38)I want to scream to hit you
(39)If you’re too embarrassed, you don’t say anything
(40)You’re so mean
(41)Oh, I’m thirsty
(42)give someone a cool drink
(43)Water, please
(44)Yes, Your Majesty!
(45)I wish someone would stop
(46)Captain of the Guard!!
(47)What are you doing!
(48)You’re supposed to go through me and report directly to your Majesty
(49)Don’t you think so
(50)Oh, this time
(51)I’m trying to deliver it to your Majesty quickly
(52)The more the examination plan, the more important it needs to be
(53)to say that it is thorough
(54)That’s it!

Grade 9 princess

image text translation

(1)I’m going to try my best to deal with it
(2)You have to keep it a secret so you don’t get a chance to run away
(3)We can definitely catch the intruders!
(4)Why don’t you know that such an act of making such a fuss would rather threaten your Majesty’s safety!
(5)And yet, are you qualified to be a captain of the Guard
(7)Choonsik, if you stop, the captain of the guard would have understood enoughStop it
(8)I’m alive!!
(9)Chunsik, nice!
(10)Yes, Your Majesty!
(11)Listen to me, Captain
(12)The Minister of Spring is right a hundred times
(13)So, a mistake like today
(14)Try not to do it again
(15)Yes, Your Majesty
(16)Well, if you look at it, he didn’t just end up there
(17)It’s loyalty. Not to mention it
(18)He’s quick-witted and he’s smart, so I’m going to make his face fit his age
(19)I wish I had one
(20)I would have found him and sent him to marry me. That’s too bad news
(21)So I’m going to investigate this case, and I’m going to ask your Majesty
(22)I’ll post the report myself
(23)Yes, I’ll look forward to it
(24)I’m sorry, Your Majesty!!
(25)It’s all right. Don’t cry
(26)Are you okay
(27)Jeje Baljeo Family Man Eunhee
(28)Help me!!
(29)Donal, what kind of man are you
(30)You’re thinking about it
(31)Spring, why are you avoiding my eyes
(32)What’s wrong with my safety
(33)I don’t think you’ll get caught
(34)I shouldn’t have said that
(35)Take him away
(36)I’ll decide if I’m going to be beheaded tomorrow morning
(37)Your Majesty!!!!!
(38)Oh, my head

I thought you were a gold fairy, but you’re not

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