Cartoon where I go to the bathhouse with my dad

Cartoon where I go to the bathhouse with my dad

image text translation

(1)One adult
(2)One kid, please
(3)Mountain climbing and the outside
(4)Please untie it
(5)CAS C M M M M

Cartoon where I go to the bathhouse with my dad

image text translation

(2)Boiling! Boiling!!
(3)Boiling up. Boiling up
(4)No swimming in cold water
(5)The Energie group!!
(6)Ah, ah, ah.
(7)Spray the horse tour!

Cartoon where I go to the bathhouse with my dad

image text translation

(1)beat a personally
(2)I know them
(3)I washed up
(4)down to the neck
(5)When will you eat it


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