South Korean caught in drug possession at airport checkpoint

South Korean caught in drug possession at airport checkpoint

image text translation

(1)I bought dried persimmons when I was on a trip
(2)234520221124 1340 inquiry 8316 content Skip
(3)I have a family member who likes dried persimmons
(4)I bought a box of expensive dried persimmons at Flutter
(5)But I was at the airport checkpoint for two hours
(6)There’s dried persimmon with white powder. What’s that white powder
(7)Even a dog sniffed around[Laughing]
(8)I’m more suspicious because I said dogs should never be fed
(9)I googled dried persimmons and showed them pictures
(10)Look. It’s dried persimmons, but when you dry it, the white powder comes up naturally
(11)No, look at the other picture. It’s not white
(12)It’s either semi-dry or rapid freezing. If you leave it there, white powder will come out
(13)What is white powder
(14)I don’t know either, but wait a minute, googling aha! The sugar in the persimmon is low
(15)It’s supposed to come up white
(16)Give me a document in English
(17)Let’s read Wikipedia

South Korean caught in drug possession at airport checkpoint

image text translation

(1)So the four of us read the driven persimmon document together
(2)I also read how Korea dried persimmons and produced them together
(3)What’s really fortunate is that there was only one line on the wiki that I remember white crust forming outside
(4)Then one person takes a bite with an uncertain face and it tastes so good!
(5)And all four of us tried it
(6)I’m good. There’s no seed inside! I swallowed it because I did it
(7)The rule is that you never eat it like this, but one person eats one more
(8)If you keep eating or tasting like this, they emphasize that there’s no “Never
(9)Recommendation 719
(10)Comments 141
(11)What is this? Foreigners are looting~~
(12)You just ripped it off
(13)There’s natural white powder~~
(14)Oh, ㅆ아[Laughing]ZZZ[Laughing]

South Korean caught in drug possession at airport checkpoint

image text translation

(1)What’s written on Weki
(2)I just became a person who lost dried persimmons

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