the pizza industry that’s going bust together

the pizza industry that's going bust together

image text translation

(1)MT Money Today
(2)Frozen is good, too. Call the pizza place
(3)It’s not ringing. 3 out of 5 are enemies
(4)Input 20230901 1010 AM
(5)Amendment 20230901 AM 1023 Article text
(6)Yoo Um-sik, a reporter
(7)a family of one street
(8)Single-person households increased Demand decreased due to the launch of small frozen pizza Operating profit also decreased due to rising raw material prices


According to related industries on the 1st, the operating performance of Mr. Pizza, Domino’s Pizza Hut, Papa John’s Pizza Alvolo, and Mr. Pizza, the top five companies in the pizza market, deteriorated at the same time

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