a father with tattoos on his young children’s bodies

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)It’s about here. Go to the well
(2)a brother who came to his childhood home
(3)These brothers have strange cross tattoos on their arms
(4)In the past, there was a finger needle in ink, right? I twisted a thread there
(5)Hyosung Energy
(6)I remember crying a lot because it hurt so much
(7)My hands are swollen
(8)The country I’m curious about
(9)Y Cross Tattoo Secret
(10)When I was young, my father
(11)forced with a needle
(12)It’s called a tattoo;;;
(13)Why did he make that tattoo
(14)one’s secret
(15)Yoon Tae-hoon’s brother with a tattoo
(16)My father had spinal complications, so he couldn’t move, and he had fallopianitis
(17)I had a major surgery. There are three children
(18)The Secret of the Cross Tattoo
(19)tattooed on Yoo Tae-ho’s back
(20)My father had spinal meningitis and complications, so I couldn’t move
(21)I’m bringing up three children without wealth
(22)The brother’s father, who was working hard
(23)I’ll get sick and I won’t be able to work
(24)Y Self-Secret
(25)I really remember what Father Y said then
(26)I’ll find you guys if it works out. You’re tearing up and tattooing it
(27)I remember exactly
(28)I sent three of them to the orphanage a day ago
(29)The one who had those tattoos on the kids
(30)The brothers were sent to an orphanage to meet their father
(31)We’re gonna lose in five years
(32)Honestly, because of this, I get a lot of checkups
(33)a second-class child
(34)a cross tattoo
(35)Brothers who have had a hard time with tattoos over the past 40 years
(36)Why did the brothers report to the show

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)The Secret of the Cross Tattoo
(2)Is it a door or a Chinese pattern
(3)Or a Buddhist symbol
(4)It’s always on your arms
(5)Sarah Jones, who was curious about the scar
(6)Follow the scar on the tattoo that was erased
(7)Posted a picture after drawing with a marker
(8)a part of Jones
(9)I thought it wasn’t good to leave a Y tattoo
(10)For your information, Sarah seems to have met her adoptive parents really well
(11)At that time, I adopted a Korean because of Christianity
(12)There were a lot of foreigners who abused me
(13)Sarah’s adoptive parents removed Sarah’s tattoos
(14)I guess he raised him well while loving him
(15)I don’t know if it’s because of that
(16)Have a happy childhood
(17)a sudden secret of distrust
(18)He’s a lawyer now
(19)I’m a woman from a Haitian company
(20)Meeting of the Cross Tattoo
(21)I set up an organization for female engineers
(22)I’m going to do as much as I can at a famous lecture program
(23)I was so successful
(24)I’m going to cry here I’m glad it went well
(25)to produce a cross
(26)Now I’ve met a kind American husband
(27)Having two sons and living happily
(28)Y cross tattoo
(29)But the longing for his family and hometown
(30)I posted a picture because I was always there
(31)He posted a post about the Psy people who are looking for his unique tattoo
(32)That’s why
(33)With your brothers
(34)My little dad
(35)You’ll receive an email saying you’re looking for yourself
(37)I was so surprised when I heard the news that I didn’t even think of it
(38)Since Kyung said he found a string in the US
(39)My little father, who was very active in emailing and texting and having fun, had a hard time talking to me later
(42)in the middle of
(43)I was sad because it seemed like it was all over my face
(44)on one’s own appearance
(45)My birthday is November 18th. What Hyunkyung’s dad said
(46)Your birthday is one day earlier than your nephew. I remember that
(47)Is it the 19th
(48)one’s uncle
(49)Tell me if you have any questions. I’ll be waiting
(50)It’s going to be oil
(51)Let’s go
(52)When did you find out that I was adopted abroad
(54)From Hyunkyung, who told me to hear the sound of my uncle’s village
(55)You were pretty. Samantha gave me Sori Village
(56)I thought I wouldn’t be able to hear the reviews
(57)Here, really
(58)We were checking to see if it was right for each other
(59)There are a lot of things that I couldn’t do, but Sarah sent me Samchun
(60)Just by looking at this, you can tell how much Sarah missed her family
(61)Anyway, that’s how we do the genetic test

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)The Secret of the Cross Tattoo
(2)Unfortunately, the V LIVE didn’t match
(3)The brother looking for Yoon Taehoon’s younger sister
(4)It felt like the sky was falling
(5)Mismatch in genetic test results
(6)The name, age, region, birthday, and picture are the same. What happened
(7)The Secret of the Y Cross Tattoo
(8)Yunkyoung’s uncle
(9)There is
(10)I didn’t tell you because I thought you’d get hurt more
(11)Yoon Chi-kyung’s uncle
(12)The mother of the two brothers gave birth to Taehoon
(13)It was hard to live, so I left home
(14)The two brothers and Sarah
(15)Mother was another half-brother
(16)of the Y cross tattooed
(17)Yoon Taehoon is the best
(18)I had no idea
(19)Neither the brothers nor Sarah knew at all
(20)Tests comparing maternal genes
(21)If the mother is different, she’s a father’s child
(22)It’s still complicated to prove it

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)Yoon Taeho’s first brother
(2)I would have been shocked if I were Hyunkyung Really
(3)Hyunkyung lost contact with Sarah for a while after she reported this
(4)What the brothers said was that they would be shocked even if it was themselves, and they said they didn’t want to find it because they knew they were living happily without their younger brother
(5)e-mail to Sarah again
(6)a flight of one’s boss
(7)Even if DNA tests don’t lead to a conclusion
(8)I want to find another way to show that we’re family
(9)I want to take my family to Korea on October 14th and 20th
(10)Yoon Taehoon’s first brother
(11)Hyunkyung is always thankful
(12)I felt so sad because I could feel how much I missed my family in that e-mail
(13)The brothers miss their younger brother a lot, too
(14)For your information, your brothers are in their early 50s
(15)They’re all married and have grown-up children
(16)The Secret of the Cross Tattoo
(17)Yoon Chi-kyung’s uncle
(18)Don’t take your eyes off of Y
(19)I just want to see Hyunkyung’s face
(20)The day Sarah’s family decided to come to Korea
(21)My first encounter in 142 years
(22)a ghostly spirit
(23)perhaps one’s father’s brother
(24)I’m going to decorate the airport with you
(25)It’s called “The Adult Box”
(26)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(27)the first meeting in 42 years
(29)Yoon Taehoon’s first brother
(31)the first meeting in two years
(33)1545 1517 I missed you, Hankyung
(34)the cross’s own flag
(35)the first meeting in 22 years
(36)the cross’s own flag
(37)a full capacity of the year
(38)of the memory of the cross tattoo
(39)the first meeting in two years
(41)Oh, Hyunkyung is here
(42)the first novel in two years
(43)a memory of self-deprecation
(44)a crucifix tattoo machine
(45)the first chronic product in two years
(46)The tattoo man is in the main text of the railroad GOD ARMA
(47)a meat-eating strain
(48)GD personnel
(49)Flag of the Cross Tattoo
(50)one’s own memory
(51)a meeting of the year-end parties
(52)the first store in 42 years
(53)a tattoo of a plan
(54)to hug one’s brother Hyunkyung is approaching someone

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)Sarah Jones
(2)Uncle, uncle
(3)an uncle who was exchanging e-mails right away
(4)earthquake planning
(5)the first meeting in 42 years
(6)Sarah Jones of Korea
(7)I’m sorry it took a long time
(8)Hyunkyung had a hard time
(9)I’ve been waiting for 45 years. I can wait for this much
(10)a college encounter
(11)The tattoos of the brothers that my father left me
(12)The tattoo that Hyunkyung drew again
(13)Hyun-kyung’s two sons
(14)Partridge is your plan
(15)the first meeting in two years
(16)Before my father died
(17)To the families who visit their homes
(18)I showed my father’s picture to Hyunkyung
(19)Meeting with Riemann
(20)His eyes went in more than mine, but the shape is so similar
(21)Seriously, your eyes are so smart [Laughing] [Laughing]
(22)The picture that I took when Taehoon’s first brother was alive
(23)one’s father
(24)I’m going to the creek
(25)That’s right. Hyunkyung, the middle crab who was looking at your father’s picture
(26)Suddenly, my eyes are in one place
(27)a tattoo on his father’s arm that looked just like him
(28)Korea’s Gasae Samdok has been in private for less than 100 years, and this much private is going to be our time when it was 42 years ago
(29)I wondered how my father felt when he wanted to take charge of the tattoo. At first, I seriously thought he would know what it meant or what it was, but I cried a lot at the unexpected development
(30)Abuse Run
(31)The meaning of the four dots under the cross is to gather together and pray with my family
(32)The door on his arm. Every shoe of a father who would have missed his daughter for the rest of his life
(33)Yoon Taehoon’s first brother
(34)He never took a picture with us
(35)Law of the Jungle A little later at 10 o’clock, the challenge of fishing! Yoongi x Jeong Sewoon’s bromance in the jungle! the appearance of Byeongman’s final weapon
(36)Particle price planning
(37)They took it like that because they’re granddaughters
(38)We don’t even have soup. If we didn’t
(39)Law of the Jungle 1047 Yoongi x Jeong Sewoon’s flower bromance in the jungle after the market! The final weapon inside is here! It’s like a guerrilla battle
(40)In the last Indian rule of the jungle, 10 o’clock in a little later
(41)Last, Indian lamb’s challenge of fishing in the Don Spike jungle. I’m for childcare
(42)a father who lost his daughter early
(43)She loved her granddaughters
(44)Yoongi omimsook
(45)I lived with my grandfather When she had a hard time, she talked about Aunt Y I would have considered meeting you because I missed you
(46)Law of the Jungle A little later at 10 o’clock, the challenge of fishing in the Don Spike jungle, Yoongi x Jeong Sewoon flower bromance in the jungle
(47)My granddaughter told me that my grandfather told me about his aunt, but he didn’t express it to them, and that’s how much he missed his daughter
(48)in one
(50)When you’re having a hard time, say “Y”
(51)The results of “Law of the Jungle” will be released at 10pm
(52)Hyunkyung ends up crying
(53)Big brother who hugs his nephew. His friendliness. For the first time

a father with tattoos on his young children's bodies

image text translation

(1)a two-tiered encounter
(2)Cross tattooing project
(3)a family visiting their father’s place together
(5)the first meeting in 42 years
(6)one’s own flag
(7)a crucifix tattoo machine
(8)one’s own memory
(9)Flag of the Cross Tattoo
(10)The fact that the four of us are here together
(11)I think it’s a miracle
(12)the first encounter in 142 years
(13)I can’t believe the four of us are finally back together
(15)We’ve lived different lives
(16)I can’t believe the four of us are finally back together
(17)the first meeting in 42 years
(19)This is a miracle
(20)a self-driving project
(21)the cross’s own flag
(22)the first meeting in two years
(23)one’s own flag
(24)Even though it’s been a painful time
(25)according to one’s father’s wishes
(26)I’m living well.k.a well-off man now
(27)Let’s meet again
(28)of one’s own memory
(29)Family is something that no one can forget
(30)Hyunkyung’s family is always happy~~~~~


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