I don’t understand my brother-in-law

I don't understand my brother-in-law

image text translation

(1)Blah blah for 5 hours
(2)I don’t understand my brother-in-law
(3)We get along well and the age difference is one year, so I always go home
(4)I was waiting for my brother-in-law to have dinner with my brother-in-law, but I was bored, so I decided to make Tanghulu at home with my nephew
(5)3 Dissolved sugar and got a burn on my 6-year-old nephew’s finger, washed it with water, treated it with an emergency kit, and went to the emergency room
(6)It’s evening and weekend, so the emergency room is crowded, and my nephew’s fingers are white
(7)5 I told my brother-in-law, who arrived late, to talk to him so that he could see a doctor first because his sister was a child and burned, and told him to wait because he wasn’t an emergency. 6 He was treated, but he said he couldn’t help the scar
(8)7 My sister and I are annoyed with my brother-in-law, but it’s a bit awkward to talk to her, so I told her not to be violent, but it’s intense
(9)It’s intense
(10)Good. 169
(11)It doesn’t seem like an emergency to me. Sorry
(12)Good. 21
(13)Civil servant rnrrrmmn
(14)It’s because of my skin
(15)Samsung Card 81
(16)Then you can say it. Why did you make him do it? ㅇㅅㅇ;;
(17)No, as a result, you didn’t stir-fry the people in the hospital, so it’s okay. Then you should take good care of them so that they don’t get hurt. -_- It’s not like you didn’t say you wouldn’t take care of them, but why are you
(18)Good 133
(19)CJ Olive Young fffuffuuu
(20)ㄴ극성 It’s violent. The order of seeing the emergency room patients is set. They don’t look at you first because you say it, but they look at the order in which their lives are at stake. Finger burns are in danger. It’s not a third-degree burn
(21)Good. 149
(22)Civil servant rnrrrmmn
(23)It’s her skin
(24)Linnai Korea · Tornado Punch
(25)Someone is life
(26)Good. 75
(27)CJ Olive Young and fffuffuuu
(28)You really don’t talk to me. So, your kid has a different skin
(29)I don’t know what to do with her skin
(30)It seems to me that you are blaming your brother-in-law for hurting him because you don’t see him well;
(31)Good. 131
(32)No, no one was in critical condition
(33)If it was a local hospital, it was just a drunk person with enteritis
(34)Ram was like this
(35)Good. 1
(36)CJ Olive Young fffufuuu
(37)It’s not for you to decide if it’s life-threatening, it’s for the medics
(38)It’s a judgment. How do you know? And there’
(39)What do you mean, a drunk person who fell down at a local hospital with enteritis
(40)Rock burns like this. If it’s not critical, hit it in the order you came
(42)Good. 101
(43)And in the text, if it’s weekend evening and the emergency room, it’s crowded
(44)I was the only one in the comment sectionNeck[Laughing] To make it more consistent
(45)Don’t be discouraged
(46)Good. 77
(47)iliiullil, Seoul Metropolitan Government
(48)Making Tanghulu instead of your father dying of a cerebral hemorrhage, a hand-burned child
(49)I can’t even imagine what he’d do if I let him go first
(50)Good. 89
(51)I wouldn’t have told you if someone was that serious. I’m just a drunk
(52)There was a bit of ram and I had enteritis next to me
(53)I wouldn’t have done that if a bloody man was alive
(54)Shinhan Bank! i!!!!!!
(55)The severity is determined by the medics, and there’s a waiting system
(56)There’s a problem with thinking about getting a doctor first, but I’m thinking about people with enteritis
(57)Ram’s really selfish, because he’s sick
(58)Good. 103
(59)New company tnJq35
(60)I think enteritis is more serious than light burns
(61)All right, 20
(62)LG Electronics and Senamid Jannaker
(63)Then when you get hurt, if the others come first, move aside, kid
(64)Good, 19
(65)If a minor father is injured, I’m out of the way
(66)Anzilina Jellis DL Motor Co., Ltd
(67)It’s not a big deal
(68)Good, 29
(69)LG Electronics and Senamid Jannaker
(70)You’re not the judge of a woman’s opinion on a chapter in the U.S.A
(71)Your eyes might be drunk and hallam
(72)How do you know that if it’s an alveolar obstruction, he’s a drug addict
(73)I’m asking you to step aside
(74)If it’s like that in the first place, you don’t need to wait at the medical facility
(75)I’m a beggar
(76)Good, 17
(77)CJ Olive Young qryyyyt
(78)I’m mad at my brother-in-law for something that’s not enough to be mad at you[Laughing]Thing
(79)I’m that important IP, my pet, married couple!I think he’s gonna get mad at me first
(80)Good. 79
(81)National Police Agency, Carrot Carrot
(82)You said you were going to get angry
(83)lilililt Seoul Asan Medical Center
(84)While reading the comments, I thought that my brother-in-law was mad at me
(85)I was expecting that. LOL22
(87)SK Hynix
(88)I thought it was a story where you got angry, too
(89)Good. 5
(90)I just came back from work for a while and the comments are going on lol I said it’s just a finger, but my index finger and palm were burned and it was so white that I asked him to put water in it while I was waiting, but he said we did well
(93)In fact
(94)If I had been quiet for four days
(95)I made you stand up. I’m lazy. I even hurt you
(96)I asked him to say it one more time
(97)Demalzoyal is a lot
(98)CJffuffufuu Olive Young
(99)He’s on his own medical team If there’s a doctor, uh, a nurse
(100)Shinji Emergency Room has a lot of people, but there aren’t many patients. How do you know if the doctor looks at the phone leisurely even if you steal the patient chart? I don’t know if you’re looking at another medical clinic or information. I don’t know. I got burned, so please look at my child’s skin first!!!! It’s this, but what do you want me to explain it again? You’re the best commenter
(102)What’s the will
(103)It’s 56
(104)NH Nonghyup 11
(105)I’m sure you’re mad at me
(106)I’m so mad that my baby’s finger got burned, but I’m going to have to cover up the emergency room. I’m going to beg you or not, but I’m getting annoyed. Okay, 29
(107)That’s what I’s like


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