Heo Jiwoong’s Instagram

Heo Jiwoong's Instagram

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(2)Ozzyzzzz Posting Story
(3)I have a neighbor
(4)I’m a neighbor next door, but I’m ashamed to say we don’t get along well
(5)Surprisingly, he came into my house before and lived like his own
(6)He used the money I earned, and he used my house’s stuff
(7)I tried to resist, but it didn’t work There’s something called the public space on the floor, and he said he’s the center
(8)I was proud of the fact that they gave me gas He used the gas anyway
(9)Eventually, he kicked the front door of the penthouse upstairs and was fined and calmed down
(10)The noise between the walls has been so hard for the past few years
(11)It was originally his
(12)I tried not to respond
(13)But these days, not only noise, but also dirt is sprayed on the hallway
(14)It’s okay because I filtered it out with a funnel, and the verification was done, but the verification was also done with a sample from the next door
(15)”It doesn’t smell too much. Isn’t it okay?” “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
(16)It’s not just the smell. I don’t know why you keep talking about the smell
(17)And the filth downstairs is just toilet clean water, but the filth next door is toilet burst water I remember it because it was a mess
(18)I’ve complained to the security office, but they’re telling me to be relieved that I don’t die of noise and filth anyway
(19)Even if I get sick in the future, it’s not like I’m being carried away with the lake next door engraved on my forehead
(20)If you don’t stop this now, someone will come forward to verify or track it later
(21)Can you take responsibility for that
(22)I’ll be the only one who’ll be sick while everyone’s forgotten
(23)I put up a letter paper I had no choice but to condemn it
(24)Then, my brother takes my neighbor’s side They say noise and filth don’t kill you
(25)They’re asking why you’re being so loud
(26)And the reason why I’m criticizing this is because I usually wear blue clothes
(27)Even if I wear a blue shirt, my underwear is all red All of his underwear is blue. I saw it
(28)Well, I’ve made a hundred concessions and asked him if he should at least come back to us at least a little profit instead of enduring the noise and filthAnd now my brother has no choice but to fight with you who says 11 is 100
(29)Honestly, I’m not a hyung either We’re all twins. We’ll draw lots to decide who’s older than us
(30)I’m upset why they’re doing that when the neighbors explain and take responsibility
(31)I asked him this morning if he was trying to change the subject or if he was actually wearing blue
(32)It’s amazing. That was when red and blue clothes first came out and they gave away free color clothes
(33)So the grandfather who fought back when the next door occupied our house
(34)How can you not be your father? Put away the portrait of your grandfather and the house upstairs
(35)They want to put a picture of my grandfather in the penthouse. What does this mean
(36)Without even realizing it, my family came this far
(37)What should I do
(38)View all 132 comments
(39)3 hours ago

Look at her writing

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