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He’s washing his clothes because of the game


He's washing his clothes because of the game

image text translation

(1)Shillim Castle, where I went to PC rooms for 570 hours for 2 years
(2)The attacker blames the game again
(3)※ Reporter Kim Dong-hyun 입력 Input 202308211117 수정 Modified 202308211123 Comments 0
(4)Choi, 30, who brutally assaulted and raped a woman in her 30s with a knuckle on a hiking trail in Sillim-dong, Seoul, in broad daylight, is changing again It has been since some media reported that it is because of game addiction
(5)One media outlet reported that Choi was a reclusive loner and played 570 hours in a PC room for two years It seems to emphasize that he is into the game and has not deviated from the radius around his home
(6)570 hours in two years is a very small amount of time, and you can say that you only played about an hour a day “League of Legends” takes 20 to 30 minutes per round, and about two rounds take about an hour, including waiting time
(7)”Sudden Attack” and “Cas Online” are only five to eight editions in an hour, and “Maple Story” and “Dungeon & Fighter” are also far from enough to be enjoyed in an hour
(8)Looking at this story, Mr. Choi seems far from playing a game This is not even close to the game addiction standard set forth by WHO
(9)The problem is the media, which refers to the game as the source of all evil. Games are one cultural content. Movies and animations that imitate murder from cheerful crime dramas can be seen more easily
(10)Would it be nice to report that officials related to the Gwangju Hwajeong I-Park collapse or the Wow apartment collapse disaster in April 1970 are related to the movie “Concrete Utopia”
(11)We are not covering up for Choi’s crime He could face the maximum death penalty for rape and murder when his victim dies
(12)The reason why you shouldn’t blame the game is simple. If you designate a specific content or a functional industry in society as a problem, this problem won’t be solved. You can’t find the exact cause, so the solution will be sloppy
(13)The tragedy repeats itself because it cannot be resolved At least the media shouldn’t be helping to cause social problems


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