I’ll explain it to you in Germany

I'll explain it to you in Germany

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I'll explain it to you in Germany

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(1)Introduce yourself
(2)Studying abroad in Germany for two years
(3)I’ve been dating my German girlfriend for about a year and a half
(4)There’s a German and a Western But is this that bad? It’s not that bad
(5)The Germans know they smell, so they use deodorant
(6)The weather in Germany is usually around 10 to 24 degrees unless it is midsummer
(7)3. If you smell something, try to take a shower as soon as possible
(8)German sauna is basically a towel It’s polite not to put your sweat on a wooden chair or around youI’m sure it’s an exception to private sauna
(9)Then, why do Koreans feel the dark side of Westerners exceptionally badly
(10)Koreans have no scent. I don’t have any Since there is no scent, Koreans’ noses are very sensitive to cancer. 2 Korea is very hot for Westerners, especially Northern Europeans and Germans. The average temperature in Germany seems to be 18 to 21 degrees
(11)3 There are many enclosed spaces. For example, subway, etc
(12)So where is the best place in Germany to take on the German secret
(13)It’s a German tram with no windows open in the middle of the summerBasically, German trams don’t have air conditioningAt this time, the smell of dogs in the dark of Westerners is mixed to create a mixture of gas
(14)When I do that, I simply take a mask out of my bag
(16)The Germans know they smell very well, but they can’t change it because it’s genetic, so let’s not say anything
(17)I’m going to Korea with my girlfriend this September, and she’s already packed a lot of deodorant and perfume, but of course it smells like an armpit fetish

I'll explain it to you in Germany

image text translation

(1)Reply Best 1
(2)Neighborhood Crazy Dog 2023-08-21 212343 13072
(3)No, I didn’t say anything. I understand
(4)Recommendation R reply
(5)Park Dahye 2023-08-22075037 39470
(6)Oh, my armpit smells like pickled radish. Move 9
(7)Borrowed Income 2023-08-22080550
(8)Dahye’s armpit smells like Ariane’s blood. Why are you going
(9)for the time being;;;


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