The story of Soon-ae-chung going to his friend’s wedding

The story of Soon-ae-chung going to his friend's wedding

image text translation

(1)★ I went to my friend’s wedding
(2)Recommendation 450 non-recommendation 8 comments 14030
(3)Date written 2023-02-11085304
(4)Last revision date 2023-02-12042923
(5)My shortest girlfriend and my friend are a little shorter than me
(6)I realized they liked each other
(7)After kissing other friends, I worked behind the scenes to make it a couple
(8)The golden horses got married today
(9)Wow, I thought it worked
(10)I’m the MC. I don’t know if I did a good job well
(11)During the rehearsal, my voice wasn’t shaking or stammering, but I was nervous
(12)I can’t help my hands shaking with
(13)It’s the bride’s turn and I’m standing with my arms crossed
(14)It’s a really bad combination when you make them a couple That’s what I think
(15)having something in one’s eye
(16)A child who is about 154cm tall and a friend who is about 180cm tall
(17)Honestly, it doesn’t look good on me
(18)But when I saw him today, I thought he looked better than anyone else
(19)When we put rings on each other’s hands, the happiness we’ve never seen before
(20)He made both faces
(21)I think I finished it well after singing the wedding song
(22)Before the 100th century, golden horses came to me, gave them to me, and congratulated the society
(23)He cried because he was so thankful for singing “Ga”
(24)I can’t write well because I feel overwhelmed and rewarded
(25)I’m so happy to be a pure owl and become a pure love
(26)It feels like the greatest achievement of my life
(27)But when is my Soonae doing it


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