Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week
image text translation

(1)Department of Nuclear Engineering
(2)Professor Emeritus Seo Kyul-ryeol

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima nuclear accident
(2)Tokyo Electric Power Corporation is still
(3)It’s a part where I don’m silent
(4)The first announcement I made was
(5)You can compare it to Hiroshima
(6)Fukushima nuclear accident damage
(7)But it’s a little inappropriate to compare with Chernobyl
(8)It just flew into the air and it ended
(9)There’s no groundwater
(10)So if you compare it
(11)Tokyo Electric Power Company Announcement
(12)About 160 times the atomic bomb of Hiroshima

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima nuclear accident damage
(2)But you can overcome that
(3)So Hiroshima is
(4)Uranium was only 64kg, JA
(5)About a ton of uranium
(6)And there’s plutonium in Unit 3
(7)That’s something else!
(8)I think it’s 160 times smaller
(9)I can grab 200 times more

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)With 64kg, so many people
(3)She suffered radiation damage
(4)What will you do from now on
(5)Fortunately, until now, the storage container is full
(6)Before you go to the storage container, there are cooling water, groundwater, rainwater, tears
(7)I’ll collect them all and cleanse them up
(8)But it’s hard

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)It’s because I cleanse first
(3)I mean, it’s impurity radioactive materials
(4)I had to remove it
(5)Cesium, strontium, iodine, cobalt, technisium. There’s a lot
(6)Tritium Carbon-14 Plutonium Actinium Americium. That’s a lot
(7)But to do this, the world’s best technology
(8)Korean artificial removal technology
(9)Tritium is
(10)Plutonium is
(11)I’ll leave everything as it is and make Hitachi’s
(12)Using domestic technology!
(13)Low functionality and frequent failure

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)I need to change the filter now
(3)There’s an ion exchanger these days
(4)I need to use the best technology
(5)It’s still not that
(6)I skipped it now
(7)I said I’d clean up
(8)A considerable amount remains
(9)So basically
(10)Of course, the Japanese government
(11)Tokyo power’s all gone
(12)The only thing left is carbon-14
(13)And there are only two types of tritium
(14)Basically, I worked harder than Korea
(15)According to Pacific Islands scientists
(16)About three-quarters of them are still purified
(17)be in the water
(18)It’s treated, but it’s contaminated
(19)I’m going to be playful
(20)contaminated treated water

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)It’s a lot
(3)I met an acquaintance from Japan recently
(4)He says about 70 percent is left
(5)So there’s 70 left
(6)That’s a lot
(7)What should I do
(8)There’s still some left
(9)Then, with such an unstable device
(10)We’re going to spin it again
(11)Wouldn’t it be the same after all
(12)And there are 25 filters
(13)If 24 of them are broken
(14)I can’t act as a filter
(15)We’re going back to the tank in a storage container
(16)There’s no need to spin it twice or three times

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)So, Japan
(3)Then I’ll dilute it
(4)It’s a bell
(5)So I calculated it and it’s 1.37 million tons
(6)If you throw it away for 30 years
(7)125 rocks a day
(8)But 125 tons isn’t everything
(9)There’s another underground water
(10)What should I do? I’m throwing it away
(11)Then you should combine them. They’re 250 tons
(12)Dilute by 100 times
(13)Then it suddenly becomes 25,000 tons
(14)I’ll throw it away in a day
(15)It’s not 125 tons but 25,000 bottles
(16)But I don’t say that

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Fukushima contaminated water
(2)How much is 25,000 tons
(3)10 Olympic swimming pools
(4)It’s not a small amount
(5)But it doesn’t make sense
(6)Where do I get the water to dilute it
(7)We need to get it from the coast of Fukushima
(8)But it’s already released
(9)It was a speculation
(10)Then, should I keep the water clean
(11)Bringing back the contaminated water
(12)Pour it in here
(13)What’s the use
(14)Can it be diluted
(15)It’s a dilution that doesn’t make sense

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)If you really have to throw it away like that
(3)Just wait a little bit
(4)Wait 18 years
(5)I made 1,000 containers
(6)Why don’t I have money? I don’t have land
(7)It’s hard to get back there
(8)Don’t let the people in
(9)After nationalizing it
(10)Just make 1,000 more

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)And when I calculated
(3)I only make one a week
(4)Then I can last 18 years
(5)It’s been 12 years
(6)It’s been 30 years. What a good thing happens then is
(7)Among the radioactive substances in it
(8)It’s the hardest one
(9)cesium strontium
(10)It’s going to be cut in half by itself
(11)It’s called collapse
(12)gamma-ray by itself
(13)It’s just a good substance. It doesn’t emit radiation
(14)Then it’s not contaminated and it’s getting cleaner
(15)a much better life
(16)You can throw it away then. That’s
(17)The reverse idea is that the Japanese government or TEPCO
(18)If it’s clean enough to drink
(19)Drink it once, or make a reservoir
(20)Industrial water, agricultural water, water park, and water skiing
(21)I made Fukushima’s specialty beer
(22)Is it not working

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)In spite of that method
(3)Why do you throw it into the sea
(4)The most obvious answer is
(5)Because that’s the cheapest.”

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)But where should we go
(3)The price that Japan didn’t pay
(4)Contaminated Water Discharge Diffusion Simulation
(5)The Pacific, these small countries
(6)Australia’s Fiji Marshall Islands bikini is coming out
(7)They’ve finally recovered
(8)It’s getting contaminated again
(9)It goes all the way to the West Bank of America
(10)In Korea, after 4 or 5 years
(11)It’s okay It’s a safe zone
(12)But it’s about the surface water
(13)The surface water moves up to 200 meters from the surface of the surface water moves like that
(14)Climate change. It’s a climate crisis
(15)Will he move so quietly
(16)What do you mean, El Niño!

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)The second one
(3)at sea level
(4)200m to 500m sub-surface water
(5)Unfortunately, I’m going to go to Taiwan
(6)It goes through East China and South China Sea and comes up again
(7)East Sea of the Korean Strait along the coast of Jeju
(8)That will come within a year
(9)So it’s not four years

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)And another one
(3)The problem with the big ship, the container ship!
(4)It carries 100 containers and 1000 containers
(5)Relax. We’re going to Fukushima
(6)If you untie it, your stomach tilts
(7)If you carry your stuff and it tilting
(8)My weight goes up, so I feel weak
(9)Then, scoop water and balance it
(10)It’s called equilibrium water
(11)Left, right. I need to scoop up the water
(12)Where can I get tap water
(13)That 1,000 tons. 5,000 tons
(14)a shoal of seawater
(15)The ship just comes regardless of the current
(16)I think it’ll come in a few days, not a week
(17)We left Fukushima
(18)Busan Jagalchi Mukho Port
(19)Or to Yeosu Port or Jeju Port
(20)I’ll come right away for about a week
(22)at the port of call
(23)Because I have to go somewhere with my luggage
(24)We’ll go to South America or somewhere else
(25)I can’t keep it that way

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)And even if it’s like that for ocean currents
(3)That’s the world of fish
(4)Crustaceans, fish and shellfish
(5)Let’s start from the coast of Fukushima and go on
(6)Hundreds of thousands of them
(7)There must be tens of millions of them.”
(8)From small flounder to flounder
(9)that fish on the floor
(10)Then, a floating fish
(11)It’s going through the food chain and up there
(12)Then, it accumulates
(13)This is Bioaccumulation

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)And you get caught near Fukushima
(3)You can play tricks now
(4)You can also use the original one
(5)There’s a better way to do that
(6)Sapporo, Osaka
(7)Processing somewhere else
(8)Then, it’s from Sapporo and Osaka
(9)No matter how much you restrict imports, they’ll just come in
(10)That’s what’s next to our domestic product
(11)Flatfish is next to me
(12)At least it’s not 001
(13)One out of 10,000. One out of 100,000
(14)There’s no difference
(15)It could be fatal to that one person
(16)I’m not a healthy adult
(17)The elderly, the weak, the pregnant woman, the newborn, the child
(18)Things change a lot

Fukushima contaminated water, a nuclear professor at Seoul National University, will arrive in Korea in a week

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(1)Solution of Contaminated Water
(2)So I’ll reduce the consumption of seafood
(3)I don’t want to cut it off
(4)But what we can’t do is
(5)Salt is also contaminated
(6)I can’t eat salt. I have to eat it
(7)We need to cook dried seaweed
(8)That’s the only part of the import restriction
(9)With that quarantine alone
(10)There is an unstoppable blind spot
(11)In that sense, the Fukushima crisis was a disaster
(12)It’s more serious than we think
(13)This is a different level
(14)It’s a problem for the Korean Peninsula and Korea
(15)That is a clear and existential threat
(16)You have to take it like that

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