There is a country where minors have been imprisoned and brainwashed and converted to conscripted

There is a country where minors have been imprisoned and brainwashed and converted to conscripted

image text translation

(1)They’re Osman
(2)Among the many small countries of Anatolia in the 15th century
(3)It was just one
(4)With huge expansion, in a flash
(5)The Ottomans have risen to the status of a great power!
(6)In fact, the Ottomans were able to expand at such an incredible rate
(7)The help of the Islamic warrior class branches was great
(8)With the Eastern Roman Empire, you have a lot of small Turkic states
(9)The Ottomans, who were on the border
(10)If you don’t do it right, you might get eaten in all directions
(11)I was in a bad situation
(12)Rather, he cleverly used this unfavorable situation for propaganda
(13)Osman the bulwark of Islam against Ou East Rome!
(14)Today, the Ottoman warriors are still fighting those Christians
(15)I’m fighting on the front line!
(16)The Muslims who are ready to fight
(17)All ottoman moirah!
(18)Osman with the name of the temple on his back
(19)A lot of warriors were spontaneous
(20)Thanks to this, the Ottoman’s are more than just a basic weight class
(21)Not only can you show off your strong military power
(22)Spent manpower is also paid in taxes, but in all directions
(23)I’ve been able to fight a steady war
(24)The problem is that these branches are the Ottoman Empire
(25)Let’s make some sloppiness
(26)The sultan’s obedient son
(27)It’s a redwash
(28)Like the Great War is over
(29)Let’s change the subject for the time being It’s time to break up
(30)What’s that? A sultan
(31)There is no end to the temple What do you mean
(32)The land to conquer and the people to conquer
(34)No, you don’t have money coming out of the ground
(35)I have to do a certain amount of things to do next time
(36)Come to think of it, you don’t even pay taxes
(37)Paying taxes right. That’s what I’m trying to do
(38)Oh, my. The year of our flower head
(39)It’s an investment that needs to be raised
(40)There is no tax to pay! It’s hard for me
(41)What a bunch of crazies I only know about
(42)You’re spending your money on the battlefield
(43)We’re here. Why are we here
(44)The sultan threatens the faithful warriors! Let’s get rid of him!
(45)I’m singing my voice all the time
(46)The branches that are out of control
(47)From the Ottoman point of view, it’s a double-edged sword
(48)It became an embarrassing disaster
(49)The eggplants even begin to gain a newly conquered land power base and eat themselves
(50)in one’s own power
(51)The sultan who felt threatened by his power
(52)I plan to keep the eggplants in check
(53)I’ve been using it well until now, and I’m about to leave. I don’t need it anymore
(54)You think I’m doing this because I’m bored
(55)If you leave them alone, the country will be ruined
(56)It’s not like I’m complaining to the Sultan right now
(57)Later, if they revolt and become independent, advanced, and powerful, one day will be a disaster
(59)Then… Ah, right now
(60)If you purge your blood, what’s wrong with it
(61)That’s not going to work. As they explained before
(62)Right now, it’s the disturbance of the Uogunsman army
(63)a shambolic commando
(64)Park Hyeji’s novel collection
(65)The moment they’re purged, they’re going to be the Ottoman army
(67)The outside forces that were looking for an opportunity
(68)I will. The industrial complex
(69)To prevent this, we’re going to drive out all kinds of forces
(70)At the same time, we have no choice but to name a replacement group
(71)The power of the branches was a threat, but it was also true that it was a powerful group
(73)Finding a candidate to replace them was a very difficult problem

There is a country where minors have been imprisoned and brainwashed and converted to conscripted

image text translation

(1)And Osman, out of the blue
(2)The candidate was chosen as the Christians of the Welfare!
(3)Are you crazy
(4)Are you crazy
(5)No, listen. It’s a more perfect plan than you think
(6)I think it’s a good idea for Christians
(7)I think you’ll get a perfect crucifixion
(8)First of all, after a long war with Christians
(9)There are quite a few Christians in our territory
(10)It’s not just the residents
(11)The marketplace also has Christian slaves and orphans
(12)It’s easy to find
(13)Yeah, the sultan bought the slaves and orphans himself
(14)We’re going to make it into an army!!
(15)And he converted to Islam in adolescence
(16)If you do military training
(17)A loyalist army under the direct control of the Sultan will be completed!
(18)Against Muslims like Ohho
(19)It’s not going to work like this way
(20)On the other hand, they greet Christian slaves
(21)You have a loyalist army, Elijah
(22)But they still have power
(23)I think it’s the second branch
(24)There’s no fear of that!
(25)I’m going to ban them from getting married!
(26)As long as the inheritance doesn’t make a fortune
(27)I can’t be a vested interest in threatening the royal authority!
(28)what was heard in this way
(29)The elite Ottoman army, Yenicherry
(30)In the beginning, it was mainly slaves
(31)There were times when prisoners and orphans were alive, but they were used
(32)The Later Man Servalli
(33)He introduced the Devsirme system
(34)of the sons of the occupied territories
(35)He was forced to draft one
(37)He’s an elite soldier under the direct orders of the Sultan
(38)Marriage, inheritance, etc., from the basics
(39)As long as I get it, I’s a slave soldier
(40)The Ottoman sultans were able to protect themselves
(41)Without worrying about power, I was able to put in a lot of supporta line of words
(42)Even if it turns out they’re talented
(43)I could have been an architect or a scholar in the middle
(44)Christianity, second-class citizen in Suman
(45)It was an opportunity to rise in the world
(46)In poor Balkan Christian families, religion
(47)He even offered his child with tears in his eyes
(48)Thanks to them, without hesitation
(49)I was able to maintain a strong army
(50)strict discipline and discipline
(51)It’s only natural that we’ve won so many victories
(52)Yenice of the Netherlands
(53)The Sultan’s power has grown stronger
(54)Of course, for hundreds of years, Yenicherry
(55)I didn’t stay quiet
(56)What’s the point of hitting the ball and kicking it
(57)I can’t get married and I don’t have children
(58)No matter how hard you try
(59)You can’t help but get hit with reality
(60)And the Sultan has his own monopoly, even Rem
(61)This is not fair!!
(62)Janicherry sultanne’s arm
(63)Of course, they got their own voice
(64)constantly showing their gruesome appearance
(65)We’re starting to call for greater authority
(66)Let me get married
(67)Let me inherit it
(68)Let me maintain the generation’s grandchildren
(69)Why are you asking me to do it!!
(70)This is all you need. If you ask me, I want you to return the harem party
(71)Sultan, why don’t you purge the blood now
(72)No, it’s getting too big
(73)If we purge Yenicherry, we can’t fill the gap
(74)I’ll accept his request first
(75)I can only watch it calm down
(76)The Eurdevsirme system, which had been conscripted into Christian service in time, was abolished on the following day
(77)Yenicherry itself is hereditary in blood instead of in ability
(78)The group named Yenicherry built up privileges one by one
(79)It’s become a bloated group
(80)Let’s try to raise another military group to keep them in check in the 17th century
(81)You’re going to revolt and force the sultan to abdicate, and you can’t stop it anymore

There is a country where minors have been imprisoned and brainwashed and converted to conscripted

image text translation

(1)I raised Yenicherry to get rid of eggplants, but now they’re a deep-rooted evil
(2)Of course, there’s no way that this ghastly army could go to war
(3)In contrast to the terrifying prowess of the 15th century, Yenicherry
(4)repeatedly attacked by the Austrians and the Russians
(5)All he did was prove that he was a scarecrow
(6)That doesn’t mean that Yenicherry
(7)I’m trying to replace it with another military group
(8)The sultan is trying to take military power from us!!!
(9)Let’s get rid of the tyrant!!!
(10)You mutiny like this
(11)The reform could not have gone any further
(12)Eventually, the Ottoman sultans now have the Yenicherry
(13)We’ve got a destiny to get rid of it somehow
(14)But if you try to get her out of here
(15)It’s going to be a coup
(16)That’s right. I gained strength
(17)It’s hard to get rid of a military group
(18)Yonhap News Agency
(19)Myanmar’s military coup officially declared a one-year state of emergency
(20)Lee Maintenance Manager Appointment Mandatory Mrs. Kim Jung-sook’s Social Welfare Community Chest Target Amount Early Achievement Report Jebo23
(21)one’s true heart from generation to generation
(22)There are only a handful of cases where the opposition ousted the military
(23)Civil Government’s Choice M
(24)There is no dirty cohabitation
(25)President Kim Young-sam’s testimony to the Korean modern history in 2009 is not thereSince it’s a coup d’etat
(26)It’s time for Harborough to think like this, too. Just the sound of the bang
(27)Oh, my. It’s Kudenugata
(28)And if you look at the very few cases
(29)There’s a lesson that purges should be done in no time
(30)The end of Cherry’s era was
(31)Mahmud of 1826
(32)Mahmud II, like everyone else, was in the department
(33)He planned to take away the power of Yenicherry
(34)Yenicherry, who noticed this, just like the sullen before
(35)When they enter the palace of the Emperor of Senhang
(36)Soon the sultan will come down and withdraw the reform
(37)I’ve been counting on you to abdication
(38)Instead, with two rooms of Mahmoud, yes, and Yonghae
(39)The last cherries
(40)Surprise the artillery
(41)They were forced to fire on a large scale
(42)But still, to the top troops in the Sultanate
(43)They didn’t know they’d give direct shelling orders
(44)I got shot with a shot
(45)The system of command collapsed in an instant
(46)The rest of the party was raised by Mahmoud II
(47)It’s the end of the modern army’s sweep
(48)After all, it was Osgold
(49)The army, which was considered the pride of the sultan
(50)Year of the Oswegian Decline
(51)It was directly purged and dismantled
(52)Osman, who invited Yenicherry to live with him
(53)I did “Hyuktan Injima Sheet”
(54)In the end, the total fundamental reform is the enemy
(55)I didn’t succeed
(56)I lost World War I
(57)The Ottoman Empire eventually dies down
(58)No, if he purges, he’ll at least succeed in reforming
(59)What are you doing
(60)If you had been purged for 100 years, you would have succeeded
(61)You little brats

There is a country where minors have been imprisoned and brainwashed and converted to conscripted

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