DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPG

DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPG

DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGI apologized on a 1 million Youtuber show in Japan and turned myself in


– The perpetrators are two young people aged 20 to 21

– I apologize to DJ SODA for acting rudely and causing the festival organizers to lose their image

DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGThe reason why I touched it

– I’ve been a fan of DJ Soda since a long time ago, but I’m touching it lightly because I drank a lot and my judgment is poor

DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGDJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGWhat are you going to do

– I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’ll leave my body with the flow

The host pointed out that he should not leave his body to the flow, but take responsibility properly

DJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGDJ Soda Case Conclusion in JapanJPGAfterwards, I went to the police station and did the embroidery ending

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