a disease caused by excessive consumption of liquid fructose

a disease caused by excessive consumption of liquid fructose

image text translation

(1)Cardiovascular disease in case of excessive intake of liquid fructose
(2)The protein in the blood is fructose
(3)an induced disease
(4)clumping inflammatory substances in the blood
(5)Producing cardiovascular damage
(6)Fructose is easily converted into fatty acids and causes fatty liver
(7)obesity and diabetes
(8)Fructose increases blood sugar and increases body weight and insulin secretion due to rapid digestion and absorption
(9)Liquid fructose
(10)It’s in there
(11)Ice cream ketchup
(12)Oh, it was a satisfying life
(13)There was a time when I was on a diet and didn’t eat food for 6 months
(14)Bad interpersonal relationships due to stress and unprovoked irritation
(15)So I drank coke again and it tasted fantastic


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