image text translation
(1)I’m going to stab you
(2)A 11-year-old threatened 39 people searched for seven hours
(3)Thirty-nine people were sent to the exclusive 11-year-old threat
(4)Report on Channel 2A
(5)I’m going to stab PLEDIS at the fan concert
(6)Channel A report
(7)A notice of knife disturbance at the concert hall on social media
(8)Channel A report
(9)39 people, including the police chief, have been dispatched… More than seven hours of searching
(10)Report on HD Channel A
(11)It’s our neighborhood
(12)An 11-year-old elementary school student wrote the notice
(13)Miss A in elementary school
(14)”The idol group’s souvenirs are expensive.”
(15)I can’t buy it
(16)”I posted it as a joke out of anger.”
(17)a court of law
(18)Seoul Administrative Court
(19)The police handed over the elementary school student to the Seoul Family Court today