Standing comedy criticizing the Western-centered view of history.jpg

Standing comedy criticizing the Western-centered view of history.jpg

image text translation

(1)People in the West don’t know this
(2)The Chinese have a weakness for the Japanese
(3)Because of World War II
(4)During World War II
(5)Japan did a lot of atrocities against the Chinese
(6)Rape torture, biopsy. I did everything
(7)from China to Southeast Asia
(8)Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore
(9)Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia
(10)People in the West don’t know this
(11)There’s no Chinese version of Schindler’s list
(12)But that doesn’t come out in the West
(13)People don’t know
(14)I’m not criticizing you for not knowing
(15)Of course I don’t know
(16)It’s not your story
(17)It happened on the other side of the world
(18)How do I know
(19)It’s not a complaint
(20)It just happened
(21)I’m talking
(22)If you grow up in Singapore like me
(23)There’s no way you don’t know this
(24)It’s like this in Singapore
(25)You must never forget this
(26)They did it
(27)Every year in Southeast Asia
(28)revealing one’s atrocities
(29)New Documentary Series Garry
(30)Don’t ever forget!
(31)I was born in Singapore or Malaysia
(32)Knowing this
(33)”When I first go to Japan
(34)- I’ve been learning that for the rest of my life
(35)When I went to Japan, everyone
(36)It’s very polite and kind
(37)There’s Sailor Moon
(38)There’s a toilet that cleans the anus
(39)That’s the question
(40)People who used to experiment with rape ancient bodies
(41)I made Pokemon
(42)In just a generation
(43)I mean.
(44)ISIS will be back in a few decades
(45)We might create a cure for cancerYou don’t know
(46)This is
(47)You never know the future
(48)I might be having a hard time right now
(49)Good. The reactions are different
(50)That’s enough
(51)You know, this is a comedy, not a preview program
(52)Damn it. Calm down
(53)It’s all clogged up. Everyone’s behind me
(54)I wouldn’t wash my face with a Japanese toilet
(55)Everyone’s backside is clogged. You won’t wash your hands with a Japanese toilet
(56)When talking about Pokemon, the audience who was actually laughing came out with IS and had a solemn party lol. As the comedian said, the American kids don’t know what Japan did, so sometimes the net reaction was comparing it to IS to forgive Japan
(58)The disadvantage of coming to the Johnna Private Door is that it’s streaming all over the world, so it’s so refreshing to think that Netflix viewers in Japan will watch this, so I really can’t hear the background content well
(59)[Laughing] [Laughing]

The French-British Orientalism worldview is so stupid

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