Controversial case of self-defense at convenience stores gif

Controversial case of self-defense at convenience stores gif
image text translation

(1)Issue D
(2)From the Web
(4)This is the prosecutor’s office in 419 of the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office
(5)I’m calling to inform you of the criminal mediation system in connection with the injury case of the 2023 Brother 21955, which you are a suspect
(6)The criminal mediation system is a system in which case officials attend the prosecution office prior to the final disposition and resolve disputes with criminal mediation committee members appointed by the chief prosecutor among outside personnel with expertise, knowledge, and virtue Criminal mediation is by the Public Prosecutors’ Office
(7)Recently, however, Mr. A was carried out in the criminal mediation office in the company and proceeded smoothly
(8)In principle, all persons involved in the harm case are present, but if there is a special circumstance or a request from the victim, it shall be separated or non-face-to-face
(9)from the prosecution
(10)Get a text message saying you’re a suspect in an injury case

Controversial case of self-defense at convenience stores gif

image text translation

(1)According to the investigation, B fell asleep drunk in front of the convenience store
(2)When he woke himself up, he was found to have wielded a weapon in anger
(3)However, Mr. A received a text message from the prosecution that he was a suspect in the injury case He can be charged with assault, not self-defense, because he kicked B to defend himself

The owner of the convenience store poked him and chased him

He’s the suspect who assaulted a gunman in his 70s

Says he’s under investigation now

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