Mysterious asteroid, Oumuamua

Mysterious asteroid, Oumuamua

image text translation

(1)Oh, my
(2)Oumuamua, believed to be an alien probe
(3)This object is mysterious
(4)There are so many
(5)one percentage
(6)This strange proportion
(7)It’s the ratio of 101
(8)I don’t know if there’s a conventional asteroid
(9)It wasn’t on Comet
(10)from the natural way
(11)It’s a tough ratio
(12)2 Brightness
(13)of the general equivalent
(14)More than asteroids or comets
(15)The brightness isn’t fixed
(16)Content of the Brightness Change Paper
(17)I’ll give you a certain amount of time
(18)The brightness has darkenedI said it was bright

Mysterious asteroid, Oumuamua

image text translation

(1)3 Temperature
(2)When the sun passes by, the surface
(3)It needs to get really hot
(4)The heat that’s being released
(5)No observation at all
(6)4 Track and Movement
(7)It’s a different orbit than any other celestial body
(8)As I went there
(9)Especially when you leave the solar system
(10)It’s like running an engine
(11)The further we get, the further we get
(13)It disappears as you accelerate

Mysterious asteroid, Oumuamua

image text translation

(1)Professor Rob of Harvard University
(2)All first observed
(3)All of these things
(4)It’s the first time we’re seeing this
(5)NET’s book
(6)with current technology
(7)inexplicable price
(8)With the current technology
(9)He can’t explain it


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