image text translation
(1)It’s the 352nd episode of “One Night, Two Days” July 20th
(2)Mr. Park
(4)It’s my first time to be a female celebrity
(5)Kim Myeongho, a Korean history teacher who’s never seen a celebrity before
(6)I’m confused [Laughing]
(7)When I saw her in personally
(8)What do you think
(9)Let’s ask Defconn how it is to see Sistar in person
(10)Pointing out the outfits of girl idols [Laughing] [Laughing]
(11)a student teacher’s seat
(12)I’m a student teacher to the bone
(13)It’s not okay
(14)SISTAR is flustered
(15)Defconn, what’s the point
(16)It’s not specifically!
(17)Kim Myeongho, the Korean history teacher. It’s a bit
(18)The teachers’ talent show continued
(19)Teacher, all-star teacher talent show
(20)against soft ballads
(21)Unlike the other teacher who sang the previous ballad, the trot came out
(22)Kim Myung-ho, a Korean history teacher who calls Seol Un-do’s sister, lol
(23)I think I know who it is!
(24)SISTAR is turning around, but I think I know who’s going to sing just by listening to the introduction part of the song[Laughing]
(25)Teacher’s talent
(26)I think I know who it is
(27)Strangely enough
(28)A trot singer is expected
(29)With the teacher
(30)Expected hit [Laughing] [Laughing]
(31)Am I 28 years old
(32)I can’t believe I’m 28 years old. I chose songs and looks [Laughing]
(33)Teacher’s self-love over teacher’s love for himself
(34)of the designated student director
(35)a recent favorite song
(36)It’s even my favorite song [Laughing] [Laughing]
(37)with a pretty smile
(38)Of course, I can’t sing it well
(39)Give students a chance to say what they want to say the next day
(40)Number 2, Songho High School teacher Kim Pyeongho
(41)South Gyeongsang Province Goje
(42)Sit down when the bell rings
(43)The way I talk, the expression. Be polite to the person above me
(44)S. Always clean on the desk
(45)Don’t clean with your bag on
(46)You’re saying all five things
(47)Do it! Do it well
(48)Please do a good job!
(49)He’s complaining to me to be obedient
(50)I’ll list your names
(51)And the attendance call started
(52)Jeong Taesung Temple
(53)Really, one by one
(54)a name that begins to be called
(55)Memorize from number 1 to the end and call out
(56)a name that I kept in my heart and remembered
(57)countless times
(58)Lastly, an interview with PD for 2 days and 1 night
(59)Bo-geun, you’re so much with your passion
(60)You’ll get sick because you did it a lot
(61)Kim Myung-ho, a Korean history teacher who nags too much
(62)If it’s convenient for you
(63)It’s going to break
(64)If the teacher is comfortable, the children will be ruined
(65)112 Southeast
(66)You can’t be comfortable
(67)A teacher should never be comfortable
(68)an uncomfortable job
(69)Kim Myung-ho, a Korean history teacher who chose a job that was never comfortable
(70)Kim Myung-ho, a Korean history teacher who tells children what they want
(71)DURAND South Gyeongsang Province Goje
(72)Where did the kids go
(73)I don’t want you to get ahead
(74)I don’t want my children to get ahead when they graduate and go into society
(75)Teacher star
(76)with blood in one’s eyes
(77)Aren’t there a lot of people who get ahead of themselves? Made by KHS
(78)There are a lot of people who make others cry in order to get ahead
(79)I don’t like that
(80)That’s 9
(81)I can’t accept that as my student, Kim Myeongho
(82)Then, the people who were victimized are the same
(83)You’re going to cry blood and tears from other people’s eyes
(84)Then revenge gives birth to revenge
(85)I like you, HAN
(86)Q. What kind of teacher
(87)Do you want to be remembered
(88)”What kind of teacher do you want to be remembered as?”
(89)I wasn’t a bad teacher
(90)I wasn’t just a bad teacher. I think that’s enough