image text translation
(1)It’s frustrating
(2)Why are you suddenly pseudo lol It’s funny that English is in a period drama. I’m going to pretend I didn’t see it, so please fix it quickly
(3)Episode 83 Winds Upside Down 3
(4)Pseudo似而는 is a Chinese word that comes from Confucius
(5)[Laughing] Pretend you didn’t see it
(6)[Laughing]I’ll do it for you[Laughing]Hurry up[Laughing]I hope you edit it[Laughing]
(7)I’ll pretend I didn’t see you, so hurry up and erase it
(8)Well, it’s your one-sided claim that pseudo is ChineseAnd I think it’s a problem to use a word that can be confused with English even if it’s Chinese