a new recruit whose hobby is to be sought after

a new recruit whose hobby is to be sought after

image text translation

(1)at the time of one’s deployment
(2)It was time for the regimental support department to write down their personal details
(3)You told me to write down my hobbies
(4)There’s nothing to write down
(5)Write down your favorite exercise
(6)I haven’t really worked out in my life
(7)There’s nothing to write about. I learned it at the training center
(8)I wrote down
(9)My personal information sheet is
(10)It happened to be read by Marathon, a 30-year hobby that came to the head of the division
(11)So the chief officer pushed ahead with it, and I was assigned to the head office of the division headquarters
(12)But it turned out that my two-year-old brother from the same elementary school as my mom, who knows his face roughly, is from the same hometown
(13)Hey! I’ll make you my favorite song every day from now on!!

a new recruit whose hobby is to be sought after

image text translation

(1)Every morning throughout my military career
(2)I’m going to work overtime at 6:30pm
(3)We took a shower together after running 5km from 7:30
(4)Morning roll call and Samkiro office cleaning and work preparation
(5)always omitted with
(6)When I was sick, I had to run
(7)From Sangbyung Elementary School, I became a pacemaker
(8)When I was a sergeant, I was running with a backpack
(9)Around that time, I think I woke up in the 11 minute range of 3km
(10)Even on the day before the vacation
(11)I talked to the commander on duty today, and tomorrow morning, he’ll be a sergeant
(12)Hey! I’m taking care of you because I like you!
(13)I ran 5km alone in the morning even on vacation

a new recruit whose hobby is to be sought after

image text translation

(1)I don’t know much about new recruits
(2)Why does Sergeant ○○○ always run
(3)I’m being punished by Sisyphs for miswriting my hobby
(4)I just said that
(5)I ran like that throughout my military life
(6)He bought me a drink the day before I was discharged
(7)I woke up in the morning on the day I was discharged
(8)I didn’t know about this
(9)Even on the day I was discharged from the army, I had a hard time
(10)I think it was the last consideration of the director to run 3km
(11)After the last walk, I was going to take a shower and say bye
(12)They gave me ASICS running shoes to live healthy even after I was discharged
(13)I suddenly burst into tears
(14)A guy from Gyeongsang-do shouldn’t cry like that
(15)I was discharged from the military service after running like that
(16)I don’t know how to finish writing
(17)Maybe it’s because we ran and took a shower together throughout our military life
(18)I still keep in touch with Lee
(19)He was discharged 2 years ago
(20)She’s doing really well
(21)And I’ve never run since I was discharged from the army


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