image text translation
(1)The sole LH executives resigned
(2)Your term is over or a month away
(3)Input 20230815 AM 500 modified 20230815 AM 501
(4)Reporter Ham Jong-sun
(1)At the press conference on the 11th, President Lee organized a major reorganizationimage text translation
(2)He stressed that he would do God and announced that he had received a letter of resignation from all LH permanent directors as his first step And LH said it accepted the resignations of four of the five permanent directors who received their resignations that day
(3)However, according to LH’s executive status data, two of the four permanent directors whose resignations have been accepted have already finished their terms and the other two are scheduled to end next month The terms of Ha, the head of the National Housing and Welfare Division, and Shin, the head of the Land and Urban Development Division, passed on July 25, and Park and Oh, the head of the Fair Management Innovation Committee, submitted their resignations until September 30
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