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Valley robbers who want to pay a fine for business


Valley robbers who want to pay a fine for business

image text translation

(1)Subtitle News SOCIEN
(2)Made in Oriros
(3)Set A 3-4 servings
(4)Oriental Medicine Duck Baeksook Domestic
(5)Oriental medicine lacquer duck white soup domestic duck rose chicken white soup acorn jelly
(6)Korean Chicken Soup in Oriental Medicine
(7)Korean traditional chicken soup, Korean B set, 5-6 servings
(8)Oriros Chicken Soup Seasoning Bulgogi Dottori Muk Native Chicken Dori and Domestic
(9)Ripe Kimchi Native Chicken Dory Box Domestic Pork Belly 600g
(10)C set for 7~8 people
(11)Traditional Seasoning Bulgogi American 500g Oriros Chicken Baeksook Seasoning Bulgogi Dottori Muk Seaweed Pancake
(12)Seasoned deodeok
(13)a side menu
(14)God 6000
(15)Soju, like the first time
(16)Beer Cloud and Draft
(17)Sea snail salad
(18)Seafood pancake
(19)But the price of food is surprising to most people
(20)a visitor to A’s valley
(21)How much is it when you drink and stuff
(22)It’s 300,000 won per meal. The meal is 250,000 won. The price is extra
(23)They sometimes draw water from the valley and fill it in the pool in the restaurant, but the contaminated water from it flows directly into the valley without any special filtration measures
(24)the contents of a warning point
(25)10 Dongmak is an excellent obstacle
(26)Going down to 10 pictures
(27)Hose motor boss raising Q
(28)Stairway down the river Q
(29)Both municipal and non-disposed water are illegal, but
(30)I don’t care about the restaurant owner
(31)I confirm that the content is the same as the thought Please attach the picture
(32)”No, how is that illegal?”
(33)However, the amount of compensation charged to a restaurant is an average of 2 million won, and you can only get 8 tablespoons of baeksuk
(34)Subtitle News S08
(35)Punishment is ridiculously weak compared to the benefits of illegal activities
(36)Nothing has changed this year
(37)Hours of use per day
(38)It’s 4 hours
(39)Thank you ♡
(40)The nature that everyone should enjoy together will be returned to the arms of citizens
(41)It’s pointed out that we need to find a fundamental way


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