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Is it true that only Koreans like to travel to Japan


Is it true that only Koreans like to travel to Japan

image text translation

(1)As of the first half of this year
(2)Japanese Travelling to Korea – 862,000
(3)Koreans Travelling to Japan – 3.129 million
(4)Looking at the numbers, it seems like only Koreans go there
(5)Japan’s passport possession rate is much lower than that of other countries
(6)Only 2.36 million Japanese nationals have passports
(7)For your information, Korea is 63, which is high all over the world
(8)Considering the passport possession rate, the number of Japanese who came to Korea is high
(9)I can tell that Japanese people don’t really travel abroad
(10)Nevertheless, HIS, a major travel agency in Japan, is the most popular among Japanese people
(11)The destination of the overseas trip is Seoul
(12)At the end of last year, Seoul was the year-end and New Year’s holiday in the same travel agency survey
(13)”Ki Overseas Travel Destinations” ranked first
(14)Korea ranked first in the survey
(15)Korea is the most visited country by Japanese people
(16)In fact, about 20 tourists who come to Korea are Japanese
(17)Geographically close and similar cultures, so there are a lot of traffic
(18)It doesn’t come from Japan, but it only goes to Korea, so the passport possession rate is
(19)That’s why I wrote it


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