image text translation
(1)I’m afraid the owner of the train might be cold
(2)Sharon’s grandmother knitted clothes for the tram. 74
(1)Zombie Zoom 2023-08-0934503 16670
image text translation
(2)Grandmother! I told you to squeeze in a Nordic pattern! Move 7
(3)LD Ssap Ssap Expert 2023-08-09095722 1380
(4)Grandma, I’m sorry. Grandma, I’m sorry
(5)Son, don’t worry. I’m going home. I’m driving a tram
(6)FM Music City 2023-08-29 295708
(7)Best laugh
(8)I made a coin purse out of knitting
(9)I have a denture
(10)[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing]