image text translation
(1)Current Affairs Journal
(2)Room 1764
(3)Kim Hyun-sook, Jamboree, showed off her ability to respond to the crisis in Korea
(4)There is. Self-praise
(5)8 Reporter Koo Min-joo sisajournalcom⊙ Approved 20230808 1720
(6)It will not affect the hosting of the Busan Expo
(7)Minister Lee Sang-min’s approach to the members is restricted in case of non-compliance
A celebrity who creates a crisis on his own and cleans it up, and media control is a bonus
And he’s still responding well. He’s complimenting himself
The funny and poor crisis response capabilities of the Makga regime
How can I be more ridiculous and creative
Even sublime liberal democracy to usurp the regime
I want to show you the bare reality of things that I used to sell only as a group
I’m enjoying it very well