image text translation
(1)first of all
(2)6th floor leader Seochul
(3)Activity fee code hourly wage
(4)Blue for the leader!
(5)He’s an executive
(6)This is an executive
(8)benefits as good as executives at large corporations
(9)This is the president
(10)Emergency call-up air conditioning ticket
(11)You’re not the only one who can do this
(12)the murmur of one’
(13)It’s already decided
(14)The first-in-command has the right to convene!
(15)It’s already decided
(16)The cheering squad, MBC MOB
(17)the extreme denial>
(18)No, it’s a vote today
(19)I recommend myself
(20)Hyungdon’s recommendation
(21)I’m going to make Gil
(23)Like a puppet to do whatever you want!
(24)I recommend Yoo Jaeseok
(25)Lastly, I recommend HaHa
(26)It’s really
(28)With 16 years of know-how
(29)”Cheering song’s strength, strength, strength, strength
(30)That’s the leader
(31)It’s not like
(32)Starting from that, our outfit lighting
(33)The person in charge of music
(34)Yes, I
(35)I’ll be the music director
(36)You can be the music manager
(37)with a flash
(38)This show, even in places like that, it’s snow
(39)I wasn’t the leader’s bowl
image text translation
(1)It’s like a group dance centered on choreography
(2)Good. Please be the choreographer
(3)There’s a place like that
(4)Director of Dance 2
(5)Dal Shabet Girl Stay Apink
(6)All right
(7)The casting manager
(9)Hongchul is the head of the energy department
(11)The manager is
(12)You don’t
(13)the head of the energy department
(14)- Smell it’
(15)What’s that
(16)the head of the energy and fashion department
(17)a nationwide appetite
(18)Do you want to be the manager
(19)the head of the rice department
(20)Director Bob, Music Director
(21)Director of casting 2
(22)Everyone except Jae Seok and Myung Soo
(23)One dressed up and the other a member of the rank
(24)”We have six executives and one member
(25)It’s too easy
(26)Mr. Park of Pyeongdan
(27)Music department, casting department, energy department, and dance department
image text translation
(1)We have six members, one executive
image text translation
(1)Park, a member of the rank who is left with only wounds