image text translation
(1)By the way, I’m really worried about applying
(2)I agree
(3)Where are you going to use it
(4)I’m going to write Korea University
(5)Compared to last year
(6)!! in Korea University
(7)There is a slight possibility
(8)!! Korea University
(9)There is a slight possibility
(10)Wow, that’s right
(11)Let’s just put it in
(12)[Laughing] When you go to Korea University
(13)I think 20 people will go to Korea University from my school
(14)an open-minded person[Laughing]
(15)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(16)What are you talking about
(17)No, you’re right. I’m going to use you at Hansung University
(18)Give it to me
(19)That’s your school
(20)I’ve been singing since last year because I’m going to Hansung University
(21)That was last year
(22)I think we can use a higher place
(23)The teacher told me to write it higher
(24)I don’t think it’s in the 4-point range
(25)I’m gonna go at least three
(26)I was in the 1st grade
(27)I’m now in the middle or late 3rd grade
(28)Since I can’t go to Korea, I can’t go to Korea, so much blood
(29)Safety bread is
(30)Thinking about Kookmin University
(31)[Laughing] hhh