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(1)The year of 2019
(2)Director Lee Ok-seop doesn’t watch movies only once
(3)Director Lee Ok Seop has been watching the movie for the Nth time, not just once
(4)September 30
(5)The more I see it, the better
(6)The 5th episode of hummingbird will start soon. I don’t know
(7)I’m going to watch the 2nd round
(8)The 12th round
(9)Now that I’ve shot 7 catfish
(10)I have to watch it. Yes
(11)It’s the first time I’m talking about the fourth movie in the movie theater while I’m running as a catfish stage greeting
(12)What’s up with the firepower? The person who’s all on stage
(13)Explosion of the Nth round of spectator certification
(14)Is it real that I don’t have it? I’m so angry about this
(1)The story of looking at the phone, the foul imagination of faith and doubtimage text translation
(2)Director Lee Ok Seop doesn’t feel embarrassed when he talks about an idea
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He’s an independent film director
We’ve been dating since we were unknown