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speak of Hwang Kyo-ik’s jamboree


speak of Hwang Kyo-ik's jamboree

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(1)Follow Hwang Kyo-ik for 11 hours·③
(2)There will be a debate about where to blame for the Saemangeum Jamboree crisis The president’s office has already said that the preparation period is five years for the Moon Jae Inn government. It is not wrong. The Yoon Seok-yeol government, who has been in power for two years, has not prepared Saemangeum Jamboree
(3)Last March, Yoon Suk Yeol’s president
(4)He is appointed as the honorary president of the Korea Scout Federation
(5)I’m going to show my full support for Saemangeum Jamboree
(6)I promised my support Saemangeum Jamboree
(7)Kim Hyun-sook, Minister of Gender Equality and Family of the Yoon Suk Yeoln government, Lee Sang-min, Minister of Public Administration and Security, and Park Bo-kyun, Minister of Culture and Sports, sit at the chairman of the organizing committeeAbove all, President Yoon Suk Yeol attended the opening ceremony of Saemangeum Jamboree and gave a congratulatory speech with a big welcome Saemangeum Jamboree is a Moon Jae In
(8)It’s true that the government has been preparing for five years
(9)Yoon Suk Yeol Government’s Final Inspection and Event of Preparations
(10)The Yoon Suk Yeoln government did all the work
(11)be politically and ethically correct to take responsibility

speak of Hwang Kyo-ik's jamboree

image text translation

(1)The government of Moon Jae In was inaugurated in May 2017
(2)The Pyeongchang Olympics were supposed to be held in February 2018 It was less than a year before the Olympics There were all kinds of rumors about the previous administration’s preparations for the Pyeongchang Olympics, including Choi Soon-sil’s intervention
(3)Even the argument for returning the Olympics
(4)There was, but the Moon Jae Inn government
(5)He successfully hosted the Pyeongchang Olympics
(6)Success means that Korea is an advanced country
(7)It was a decisive opportunity the preparations of the Moon Jae Inn government
(8)Since the Pyeongchang Olympics are less than a year old
(9)Have you ever heard that the successful hosting of the PyeongChang Olympics should not be regarded as an achievement of the Moon Jae Inn government
(10)Most of the national projects are carried out even if the regime changes Regardless of which regime’s idea it was originally, if it is decided as a national project, the final responsibility is generally politically and ethically correct for the regime to be held when the national project produces results
(11)It was detained during the Park Geun Hyen government and the Moon Jae Inn government
(12)The Yoon Suk Yeoln government is finally ready
(13)We’ve checked and held the event, so whether we succeed or fail
(14)I heard that the Yoon Suk Yeoln government was responsible for that
(15)Saemangeum Jamboree as President of Yoon Suk Yeol
(16)Did you attend the opening ceremony and give a congratulatory speech with a large welcome? Was there Park Geun-hye or Moon Jae In at the opening ceremony

speak of Hwang Kyo-ik's jamboree

image text translation

(1)Saemangeum Jamboree is
(2)”Korea” is stuck in the gutter
(3)Politicians will bite themselves by pointing fingers at others that they will not take responsibility for the Saemangeum Jamboree crisis If the people do not deal with these mean people, the Republic of Korea will suffer worse Those who make excuses for others are the culpritsPeople, kick him out of politics first


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