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Tak Hyun-min’s opinion on the funniest event


Tak Hyun-min's opinion on the funniest event

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(2)takhyunmin0311 I can’t imagine it these days
(3)When the president was present, the event became a presidential event, and there was a time when Cheong Wa Dae was responsible for checking all the matters of the event, making up for the shortcomings, and the results
(4)Large-scale national and international events should have been paid more attention, so even follow-up management should have been done right beforehand
(5)The media also held Cheong Wa Dae, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, responsible for the event that the president attended
(6)It’s not that the president comes to the event to show off, but to promote the event more
(7)The president is also present to shine
(8)Looking at the Jamboree event, I am very embarrassed as a former protocol secretary and as an event planner in Korea


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